What is the best Motion Sensor for your Smart Home? ft. Ikea, Fibaro, Hue, Switchbot, Aqara & Aeotec

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Follow along as Alex compares Motion Sensors from Ikea Tradfri, Fibaro, Philips Hue, SwitchBot, Aqara Xiaomi, & Aeotec. We test how these sensors work with Homey, and how capable they are for the job, plus what extra's come with each sensor.

Motion sensors are one of the most helpful devices used in home automation. They save energy, monitor the ambient light, and warn you about intruders. They run on various different networking protocols like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, or Z-Wave, we are using Homey to connect with the sensor devices and to create the connection to our smart home.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

00:00 - Intro
02:40 - IKEA TRÅDFRI Motion Sensor
05:15 - Aqara Xiaomi Motion Sensor
09:55 - SwitchBot Motion Sensor
13:30 - Philips Hue Motion Sensor
18:10 - Fibaro Motion Sensor
23:30 - Aeotec Multi Sensor 7
27:35 - Conclusions
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Philips hue is the best by far. Expensive, but well worth it. They give me no trouble at all, unlike most other brands


Great editing and format, love the matrix. Excellent video bud, thanks for sharing!


Nice video.
They definitely have different qualities for different use-cases, e.g.:
I use Fibaros tamper-alarm to register when my old-school door phone is activated, because it has very granular settings. And the Hue Outdoor sensor in my shower to avoid the lights going off when I am in the shower. I find the Fibaro to have shorter battery life and the CR123 battery a little exotic. On the other hand, Hue sensors just keep on going and is extremely reliable.
Never became very good friends with Aqara Motion Sensor, but love their Contact and Temperature Sensors.


The minimum time (delay) for the Aqara is 60 seconds and not 90 👍🏼and with Expert settings it can go as low as 5 seconds.


The new Aqara P1 is perfect. It supplants the Hue the former king of the hill. The old Aqara here is just ok.


Be aware that if you go out and buy the Hue Motion sensor now, most likely you will get a V2 model.
This model does not work with the homey pro app atm.

There is a beta version of the app, but after ~1 week, it will fall out/stop reporting to Homey Pro.
Restarting the beta app itself seems to fix the issue.

I bet it will get resolved, but just a warning to be told :)


Weet iemand of er warmte(beeld)sensoren bestaan die compatible zijn met Homey? Dit voor bewaking rondom het huis.


Thanx for the perfect summary. Good to see that you guys at homey seem to work on lots of things. Are there any experiences concerning the best humidity sensor for the lawn? Was thinking about Ecowitt or Sonoff. Would appreciate a comment on that. Great work also on improving flows. In my opinion its a fair price model for an add-on.


Which one is suitable for outdoor? Only Hue outdoor?


helaas nog niet de nieuwste aqara fp1 erin meegenomen..


mooi deze vergelijking. spijtig genoeg heb ik alleen maar de hue (8 stuks) die super traag werken. Dit is al sinds dag 1. eerst via de bridge maar nu rechtstreeks in homey. beiden mega traag… via community komt er geen verbetering en ik lijk de enige te zijn met dit issue :( na een reset van zigbee, is het ook niet verbeterd.

maar waarom geeft de hue een hele andere (150lx lager) dan de Aqara? en de fibaro zit op 214 dus ook een stuk lager dan de Aqara maar weer een stuk hoger dan Hue… ik mis hier de logica van.
