Let this “new state of awareness”… this “new consciousness” evolve and expand wit

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AHR a9 1min 27 sec Let this “new state of awareness”… this “new consciousness” evolve and expand within you… so that you see your perfected state of “HARMONY.”
Then you will glow with the beauty of SPIRIT.
It shines forth for all to see.
Dare to claim that you are god in form.
It is yours for the claiming… that is who you are…
Because within you… is the divine blue print… a magnificent vision… it just waits for you to discover it.
Manifest this vision… live it… share it… hold your attention upon YOUR divine human angelic message.
Remember… where you focus your attention… is where your power and energy are directed.
See the “perfect outcome”… see the “perfect solution”… there is NO right or wrong… good or bad… there is simply the awareness of “source in form” and what you place your attention upon.
Your words… your belief systems… your emotions… they all have “frequency.”
YOU decide what that frequency is going to be…
YOU decide how you are going to transmit your SELF.
You can call it whatever you want… divine inspiration… creativity… revelation… channeling… telepathy… imagination… It does not make any difference.
YOU encompass all of the gifts of creation…within your divinity…
It is up to YOU to tap into that level of awareness…
Then you will glow with the beauty of SPIRIT.
It shines forth for all to see.
Dare to claim that you are god in form.
It is yours for the claiming… that is who you are…
Because within you… is the divine blue print… a magnificent vision… it just waits for you to discover it.
Manifest this vision… live it… share it… hold your attention upon YOUR divine human angelic message.
Remember… where you focus your attention… is where your power and energy are directed.
See the “perfect outcome”… see the “perfect solution”… there is NO right or wrong… good or bad… there is simply the awareness of “source in form” and what you place your attention upon.
Your words… your belief systems… your emotions… they all have “frequency.”
YOU decide what that frequency is going to be…
YOU decide how you are going to transmit your SELF.
You can call it whatever you want… divine inspiration… creativity… revelation… channeling… telepathy… imagination… It does not make any difference.
YOU encompass all of the gifts of creation…within your divinity…
It is up to YOU to tap into that level of awareness…