PYTHON Full Course for Beginners in 16 Hour (with Projects + Questions) | Learn Python Tutorial 2024

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PYTHON Full Course for Beginners in 16 Hours (with Projects + Questions) | Learn Python Tutorial 2024
00:00:00 | Introduction of Python
00:13:06 | Installation of Python in Windows
00:20:22 | Install Pycharm for Python
00:28:24 | Create the First Python ''Hello World'' Program using Print Function
00:40:49 | Create & Use Variables in Python
00:51:52 | String Concatenation in Python
00:56:20 | Arithmetic Operators in Python
01:05:35 | Assignment Operators in Python
01:10:45 | Comparison Operators in Python
01:17:41 | Logical Operators in Python
01:24:40 | Membership Operators in Python
01:30:44 | Identity Operators in Python
01:33:54 | Bitwise Operators in Python
01:46:57 | Data Types in Python
02:10:47 | User Input & Type Casting in Python
02:20:19 | If, If Else & If Elif Else Conditional Statements in Python
02:37:53 | How to Build a Simple Calculator in Python
02:48:35 | For Loop with Range () in Python
03:06:55 | While Loop in Python
03:15:42 | String Indexing & String Slicing in Python
03:28:18 | String Iteration in Python
03:39:54 | Lower, Upper, Title & Capitalize String Functions in Python
03:46:06 | Find, Index, Isalpha, Isdigit & Isalnum String Functions in Python
03:57:52 | Ord() and Chr() Functions in Python
04:04:26 | String Format () Method in Python
04:18:00 | List in Python
04:39:48 | List Iteration in Python
05:00:43 | List Function - (Pop, Remove & Clear) List Method
05:21:11 | Python List Comprehension - Elegant way to Create Lists
05:31:35 | (Pop, Remove & Clear) List Method
05:42:05 | Count, Max, Min, Sort, Reverse & Index List Function
06:03:14 | Zip Function - Iterate Over 2+ Lists at the Same Time
06:03:14 | Python Program to Convert String to a List
06:17:50 | Implement a Stack and Queue Using a List Data Type
06:44:54 | Introduction to Dictionary in Python
06:59:20 | Dictionary Function & Method in Python
07:24:16 | Python Nested Dictionary
07:35:26 | Tuple in Python
08:03:30 | Sets in Python
08:26:38 | Functions in Python
08:56:29 | Modules in Python
09:15:18 | Math Module in Python
09:28:01 | Random Module in Python
09:39:39 | Datetime Module in Python
09:49:32 | Python - Random Number Guessing Game (Using Random Modeul)
09:57:34 | Python - Rock, Paper, Scissors Game (Using Random Module)
10:31:27 | Pickle Module
10:38:51 | JSON in Python
10:51:23 | Convert JSON Data to Python Object
10:58:47 | Reading and Writing JSON File in Python
11:05:26 | Object Oriented Programming(Class & Object)
11:16:13 | Object Oriented Programming (Methods & Constructors)
11:24:04 | Inheritance in Python
11:32:28 | Encapsulation in Python (Object Oriented Programming)
11:38:09 | Getter and Setter Method in Python
11:45:54 | Polymorphism in Python
11:55:52 | Method Overloading & Method Overriding in Python
12:07:28 | Bike Rental System
12:19:44 | Python Errors and Built-in Exceptions
12:26:12 | Python Exception Handling
12:37:21 | Python - SQLite (DB Create and Connection)
12:45:37 | Python: Installing DB Browser for SQLite
12:50:59 | Insert Query - SQLite
12:58:44 | Select Query, Order By & Limit
13:06:56 | SQLite Delete Query
13:11:36 | SQLite Update Query
13:17:49 | SQLite WHERE Clause
13:26:07 | SQLite JOIN
13:40:33 | Install XAMPP on Windows - PyMySQL
13:52:41 | Python: Creating MySQL Database & Connection
14:04:05 | MySQL Data Types
14:12:03 | Python MySQL Create Table
14:23:03 | MySQL Insert Query using Python
14:31:32 | MySQL Select Query using Python
14:45:56 | MySQL Delete Query using Python
14:52:22 | MySQL Update Query using Python
15:01:40 | Python MySQL Order By & Limit
15:09:39 | Python MySQL Searching & Filter Data
15:19:48 | Python MySQL Joins Complete Introduction
15:26:52 | MySQL INNER JOIN
15:38:31 | MySQL LEFT JOIN
15:47:03 | MySQL RIGHT JOIN
15:54:50 | MySQL EQUI JOIN
16:00:05 | MySQL Self Join & Full Outer Join
16:07:36 | MySQL BETWEEN Operator
16:11:58 | Use of MIN and MAX Functions
16:16:02 | MySQL GROUP BY Statement
16:21:40 | MySQL: Distinct Keyword
16:26:41 | MySQL SUM () Function
16:29:56 | MySQL AVG() Function
16:34:46 | MySQL COUNT() Function
16:37:49 | MySQL - IN or Not IN Operators
--------------------------------------| Thanks |---------------------------
#PythonCourse #Python #PythonFullCourse #python2024
00:00:00 | Introduction of Python
00:13:06 | Installation of Python in Windows
00:20:22 | Install Pycharm for Python
00:28:24 | Create the First Python ''Hello World'' Program using Print Function
00:40:49 | Create & Use Variables in Python
00:51:52 | String Concatenation in Python
00:56:20 | Arithmetic Operators in Python
01:05:35 | Assignment Operators in Python
01:10:45 | Comparison Operators in Python
01:17:41 | Logical Operators in Python
01:24:40 | Membership Operators in Python
01:30:44 | Identity Operators in Python
01:33:54 | Bitwise Operators in Python
01:46:57 | Data Types in Python
02:10:47 | User Input & Type Casting in Python
02:20:19 | If, If Else & If Elif Else Conditional Statements in Python
02:37:53 | How to Build a Simple Calculator in Python
02:48:35 | For Loop with Range () in Python
03:06:55 | While Loop in Python
03:15:42 | String Indexing & String Slicing in Python
03:28:18 | String Iteration in Python
03:39:54 | Lower, Upper, Title & Capitalize String Functions in Python
03:46:06 | Find, Index, Isalpha, Isdigit & Isalnum String Functions in Python
03:57:52 | Ord() and Chr() Functions in Python
04:04:26 | String Format () Method in Python
04:18:00 | List in Python
04:39:48 | List Iteration in Python
05:00:43 | List Function - (Pop, Remove & Clear) List Method
05:21:11 | Python List Comprehension - Elegant way to Create Lists
05:31:35 | (Pop, Remove & Clear) List Method
05:42:05 | Count, Max, Min, Sort, Reverse & Index List Function
06:03:14 | Zip Function - Iterate Over 2+ Lists at the Same Time
06:03:14 | Python Program to Convert String to a List
06:17:50 | Implement a Stack and Queue Using a List Data Type
06:44:54 | Introduction to Dictionary in Python
06:59:20 | Dictionary Function & Method in Python
07:24:16 | Python Nested Dictionary
07:35:26 | Tuple in Python
08:03:30 | Sets in Python
08:26:38 | Functions in Python
08:56:29 | Modules in Python
09:15:18 | Math Module in Python
09:28:01 | Random Module in Python
09:39:39 | Datetime Module in Python
09:49:32 | Python - Random Number Guessing Game (Using Random Modeul)
09:57:34 | Python - Rock, Paper, Scissors Game (Using Random Module)
10:31:27 | Pickle Module
10:38:51 | JSON in Python
10:51:23 | Convert JSON Data to Python Object
10:58:47 | Reading and Writing JSON File in Python
11:05:26 | Object Oriented Programming(Class & Object)
11:16:13 | Object Oriented Programming (Methods & Constructors)
11:24:04 | Inheritance in Python
11:32:28 | Encapsulation in Python (Object Oriented Programming)
11:38:09 | Getter and Setter Method in Python
11:45:54 | Polymorphism in Python
11:55:52 | Method Overloading & Method Overriding in Python
12:07:28 | Bike Rental System
12:19:44 | Python Errors and Built-in Exceptions
12:26:12 | Python Exception Handling
12:37:21 | Python - SQLite (DB Create and Connection)
12:45:37 | Python: Installing DB Browser for SQLite
12:50:59 | Insert Query - SQLite
12:58:44 | Select Query, Order By & Limit
13:06:56 | SQLite Delete Query
13:11:36 | SQLite Update Query
13:17:49 | SQLite WHERE Clause
13:26:07 | SQLite JOIN
13:40:33 | Install XAMPP on Windows - PyMySQL
13:52:41 | Python: Creating MySQL Database & Connection
14:04:05 | MySQL Data Types
14:12:03 | Python MySQL Create Table
14:23:03 | MySQL Insert Query using Python
14:31:32 | MySQL Select Query using Python
14:45:56 | MySQL Delete Query using Python
14:52:22 | MySQL Update Query using Python
15:01:40 | Python MySQL Order By & Limit
15:09:39 | Python MySQL Searching & Filter Data
15:19:48 | Python MySQL Joins Complete Introduction
15:26:52 | MySQL INNER JOIN
15:38:31 | MySQL LEFT JOIN
15:47:03 | MySQL RIGHT JOIN
15:54:50 | MySQL EQUI JOIN
16:00:05 | MySQL Self Join & Full Outer Join
16:07:36 | MySQL BETWEEN Operator
16:11:58 | Use of MIN and MAX Functions
16:16:02 | MySQL GROUP BY Statement
16:21:40 | MySQL: Distinct Keyword
16:26:41 | MySQL SUM () Function
16:29:56 | MySQL AVG() Function
16:34:46 | MySQL COUNT() Function
16:37:49 | MySQL - IN or Not IN Operators
--------------------------------------| Thanks |---------------------------
#PythonCourse #Python #PythonFullCourse #python2024