Why Joel Webbon Believes all His Children Will Be Saved: It's His Response to His Own Calvinism!

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#joelwebbon #householdsalvation #covenantsuccession #expectantredemption #falseteaching #dalepartridge

Here is the video I used with Kdubtru:

Here is the Leighton Flowers video I used as a recap:

Here is the video with Dale Partridge and Joel Webbon where Joel blames Christian parents saying the reason why their children are not saved is because they were non elect and he says that is to relieve them of their Christian guilt and thereby putting the guilt back on God. Hello, in calvinism, the blame IS with God!!!

Here is another article on household salvation:
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"Who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of a man, but of God." -John 1:13


I came from a teen mom who was on drugs and is still to this day. My dad was an abusive alcoholic. No one else in my family is saved yet. God can and wants to save EVERYONE! I got saved as a child. I hope Joel's children all get saved in spite of his pride. This is exactly like the word of faith movement. If you don't get healed you didn't have enough faith = if your child doesn't get saved its proof one parent wasn't really saved.


Hey fella EVERY Christian believes in the elect/non elect distinction just as EVERY Christian believs in predestination. This is not a Presybyterian belief please don't talk nonsense. Some people in Baptist churches believe X doesn't mean that it is a Baptists belief.


I don't think you fully understand what Joel is saying.

He isn't saying that the only means by which God saves people is through their parents.

He' is saying that Christians can have confidence that God will save their children based on his promises. And therefore Christian parents can have strong confidence that God will save their children if they take hold of God's promise by faith.

This is important because what Joel is saying isn't actually heresy (which would imply that he's not born again). It has a strong precedent in protestant church history and earlier. There are orthodox believers who will be in heaven on both sides of this issue.

Nothing he's saying undermines our total dependence on God in salvation. Many pastors have confidently told their congregations that if they preach the gospel, people will get born again. That doesn't undermine God's power in salvation. It actually elevates God's means of salvation through the gospel message. 

Joel is simply arguing that God's intention has always been generational and therefore Christians can have confidence that God will save their kids.


Fyi, Kdub is solidly reformed, calvinistic (from what I can tell). So he is critiquing his own camp.


If your parents are the reason your elected then why did God kill Aaron sons or Eli sons they were priest. The Old Testament always contradict Calvinism.


Children born to Christian parents are in the covenant with their parents, but that does not mean they are certain to be saved. They are much better off than those outside the covenant, but not saved by birth to Christian parents.


Don't attribute Webbon's oddball idea about his kids to Calvinism; there are lots of Calvinists who most definitely DO NOT presumptuously believe that their children will be saved because they are.


One little push back; the Jewish people are indeed the covenant people of God still ala Jeremiah 31:31-37, Romans 9:1-5, 11:25-29 and many other places, but to your point, they are not part of the spiritual seed of Abraham unless they put their faith and trust in Jesus, the One who is indeed the Way, Truth, and Life, with no one coming to the Father but through Him (Jn. 14:6).


Our Lords virgin mother and righteous father were the godly parents of Christ


God is the ony Saviour and only He saves the children, yet He often works through the means of the christian patents and the christian home to bring them to salvation.


You misrepresented the doctrine within the first few minutes of speaking. Then later admitted how you've never heard of it.


I love how you and the other commenter pointed out examples to show that this doctrine is demonstrably untrue. If reality laughs at your theology the you’re in error 😅

I noticed that the same passage they use to defend Calvinism (Romans 9) is the SAME passage that says the seed of Abraham is not according to the flesh but according to the spirit. The biblical illiteracy is SCARY


Scripture says the promise is to HIS SEED NOT SEEDS and that SEED (singular) is Christ.


As a "Calvinist" myself, I couldn't agree more; thanks Joe (or is it Joseph?)!


Yes. Our christian faith is passed down from generation to generation..


Calvinism is a label Christian chose to attack when they can’t wrap their heads around the doctrines of Grace of God. If you believe in his inerrant word then you cannot get around election. Where were you when He created the world and set the stars in the heavens?


Why is anyone saved? Because of God our Saviour Who is our Heavenly Father. So we are all saved by our Parent. God creates you through your parents and God works through godly parents to save childen. Lets do it Gods way.


Joel Webbon has completely lost the plot. His children can only be his children because there is a biological and genetic process that God allowed to happen to bring his children into conception. He gave Joel the gift of his children through a physical and biological process conjointly with his wife They could not be his children in any other way. So the only other possibility that his genetically conceived children could end up in another family, like his pagan neighbour, is if they were adopted into it. as far as I know, Joel and his wife have only biological children, none adopted into his family. he has no idea! Smh!


No one says God doesnt save pagans. Yet it is ideal for children to be raised in a godly christian home in which the chilren are exposed daily to Gods truth and the evangel..We want a righteous nation filled with christian homes, not pagan homes.
