Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge - Paul Washer

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The person who is unbalanced and lacks Biblical knowledge can become a “Christian fanatic” and harm both the church and the unbelieving world. To the church they lay rules on the Christian that Jesus Christ never made and they burden God’s people like the Pharisees did. To the unbeliever the fanatic makes him stumble at Christianity before he ever gets to stumble at the Gospel. Yet the only thing the unbeliever should stumble at is the Gospel we proclaim. So we must know our Bible’s so that it won’t be said of us “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;” – Hosea 4:6.

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This is why the writer of Proverbs 4 says "get wisdom". Even if it costs everything you have, get it - at whatever cost! Because God wants your life to go well with you. If you don't have wisdom, knowledge and understanding then your life will be marred by the consequences of your sin and your life will not go well for you. He says this because He loves you.


The person who is unbalanced and lacks Biblical knowledge can become a “Christian fanatic” and harm both the church and the unbelieving world. To the church they lay rules on the Christian that Jesus Christ never made and they burden God’s people like the Pharisees did. To the unbeliever the fanatic makes him stumble at Christianity before he ever gets to stumble at the Gospel. Yet the only thing the unbeliever should stumble at is the Gospel we proclaim. So we must know our Bible’s so that it won’t be said of us “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;” – Hosea 4:6.


Brother Paul... Thank you for your amazing teachings. I just love and adore the way you bring facts of the Bible across. It's tough teachings but so necessary. I feel rejuvenated after every preaching you give. May God keep you and continue to bless you and your family in a mighty way. I'm 71 yrs young. Please pray for my youngest. He's married and my only son. He said twice before that if I keep on telling him about Jesus, I'll push him away from me.. We all need Jesus Christ the Lord... Amen!


from the tablet of the heart...i an Non Christian.. yet find this easy listening. Listen with discernment. Imho so far the best presentation on this topic. I have zero beief in god nore christ.. however nature has certain truths we cannot ignore//


Rules like what? Please give examples, or we’re unsure. Thank you.


😢😢amen the word that you preaching really challenging me💔😭🙏🏼
Thankyou lord for your massage
