SMITE 8.3 Patch Notes Review

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Here is a quick review for the 8.3 SMITE patch notes. So... that's a thing. Sorry if it was a bit long winded.
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I'm so sad, cause I was lvl 49 (I whould have gotten the free Pele-Skin at lvl 50), in the last battelpass, but Hi Rez did not put the info (if I didn't saw it) that the update was koming soon, so I thought: "Chill and get it tomorrow". But next day the servers where down... But still, this update is pretty cool! Not the best but still cool! I mean visuall Rework of Sobek, new T5 (in my opinion the best in game) and the balance changes... Cool stuff😎👌! By the way, some other charakters also need a v. rework (Bastet, Hun Baz, (maybe) Son Wukong (at least the textures) and (maybe) Fenrir (also textures). What do you think wich gods need a v. rework?


In my opinion, you should make a video on the day of release of the patch, then maybe give your detailed opinion of the patch a week or two after?
