The MOST RELAXING game I've ever played!

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There are plenty of relaxing, cozy games out there. Games about building stuff, packing stuff, designing stuff, managing stuff. But none of them are like Anno. And that's why I love it so, so much.

Have fun!

#anno #Anno1800 #ubisoft
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Thank you everyone for watching! I'm totally overwhelmed by this video's success ♥️ I love reading your comments and ideas.

Also check out my newest video:


It's relaxing to see someone describe how much they like a game like this, thank you.


Back in the day my whole family played Anno 1602. You could walk around in our apartment and hear the music and the sounds coming from every room.


playing anno is like putting on a warm jumper, eating a bowl of delicious ramen and drinking a hot cup of tea on a cold winters night


Anno 2070, to me, is the best of the series. I guess I have a lot of nostalgia for the game because it got me through a tough break up over 10 years ago. I still remember playing coop with 2 other friends and building the end-game monument. It was able to calm and de-stress me. I also completed Anno 1800 several times coop with a friend. I’ll always be a fan of this series.


as a kid, my first anno game was 1503, i kept going bankrupt as a kid. i kept comming back but i kept losing. then 6 years later i found a copy of anno 1404. bought it and once again kept going bankrupt. dozens of failed city states later i finaly, FINALY started making enough gold too survive, and this little city of particans and mud roads became my gateway into a new world.
and my favorate game ever :)


Spending hours and hours together and my man is shitting on my musical taste :D


that intro from 1602 was and will ever be one of my favourite key moments in childhood. (in par with the sunflowers logo)


I'm going to have to try this now. I've been looking for a game for so long. And the way you described this, it sounds like something perfect for me


I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment and approach to the game. If I’m honest it’s helped with my own enjoyment of the game. Thanks for sharing mate, you have touched another Anno lover.


Having never played Anno before, I recently grabbed 1880 in a sale and then 1404 soon after. So glad I did. I was surprised by just how chilled out they were. They closest thing I can compare to them is Banished, but that is quite stressful.


I'm a bit of a digital hoarder, always buying games knowing I will never have the time to play them. I do take time to try games that are relaxing and can be played in short sessions. You've inspired me to try Anno 1404, thank you for sharing your opinion!


Living in the moment isn't cringe. Fuck this modern internet where sentimental and healthy human behavior is "cringe". No wonder depression is so ubiquitous. Great vid--Anno is amazing.


Dude.. I feel EXACTLY the same about the series. Like. Exactly! Down to hating German dubs and this being the only game I play in German. My partner is English, so almost all of my media is in English. I didn't play the future ones. 1404 was my fave. I was hyped for 1800. I play slow, don't build pretty, don't build huge - just relax. Literally everything you say I agree with completely!
Einfach gemütlich. Und dann sind Stunden einfach weg.


about 15 years ago or so I tried Anno, played it fair bit. it stuck inside me, went for different games but everytime I see Anno title in store I get some nostalgia


As a very seasoned gamer, Anno as a series is absolutely unmatched in many fields. I wish Stronghold could keep producing as a series with this reliability.


Thanks for the video! Should definitely try the series. For some reason, I never payed attention to it, even though the game of my childhood was Caesar 3, so I totally understand your nostalgic feelings and vibes.


Ich muss ehrlicherweise sagen, dass die Anno-Reihe einen richtig besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen hat. Obwohl ich erst 17 bin habe ich doch einiges von der Anno-Reihe mitbekommen. Angefangen 2013 mit Anno 1404 auf einem alten PC, der alle 5 Minuten abstürzte, ich nicht mal lesen und nur Straßen bauen konnte zu den Brüchen mit der Tradition in Anno 2070 und Anno 2205 und dem Aufstieg zurück in die Vergangenheit mit Anno 1800 und seinen zahlreichen DLCs. Ich habe jedes einzelne Spiel jeweils mindestens 300 Stunden am Stück gespielt und kann sagen, doch schon vieles mit dieser Reihe miterlebt zu haben.
Ob das Spiel nun "entspannend" ist, hängt glaube ich ganz davon ab, was man in diesem Spiel erreichen möchte oder nicht, zu gut kann ich mich daran erinnern, in Kindheitstagen in Anno 1404: Venedig mit meinem besten Freund stundenlang das Piratenszenario zu spielen oder einfach mal einen Endlosmodus auf entspannt durchzuballern - das hat viel Spaß gemacht und war auch "relaxing", zumal man damals sowieso die Zügel beim Spielen lockerer gelassen hat.
Heutzutage sieht das für mich zumindest ganz anders aus, Anno 1404 (<-- Lieblingsanno) und Anno 1800 werden durchgehend auf totalem Zielansporn gespielt, d.h. in möglichst wenig Zeit soviel Einwohner/Geld/Prestige/Ruhm wie möglich sammeln und so viel aufbauen wie nur möglich. Das macht auch Spaß, ganz viel sogar, ist aber natürlich nicht mehr so entspannend wie davor. Ich finde das Video richtig gut, hat mir gefallen, gerne mehr über Anno!


I have never played any of the Anno games, but I did buy the new one in the Steam sale and will definitely get around to playing it now. And this, FWSeba, was the best game review I have ever seen on YouTube. Thank you.


Your video captures what ANNO meant and means to me so eloquently and perfectly! Gut gemacht, Herr Seba :)
