He's Top 5 In Most Underrated Champs In The Game

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If u wanna try him out, use him with th Iron doom synergy, th fight will usually end b4 th first soul imprisonment clock ends. This means they will likely Never see their special abilities


I had 3-2/3 rank up, and 3-1/2 rank up stones that was going to expire within 3days. The problem for me was gold, or lack there of. Just doing content 8.1 & 8.2 to get gold helped out a lot.


He also has some very decent synergies as well


Interesting I always seem to land on Super Skrull for featured 6* rather than Annihilus. Nice to see love for Mephisto like that running meme in all the marvel shows lol… my top 5 underrated includes BWDO that SP2 shock damage is legit. And PS invisible woman was my prom date too bwahaaha 😂


Prof i rly don't know if u live under a rock? 😅 But Mephisto is way far from beeing underrated. He is top 10 BG Defender over all in every meta avarage lol 😂 he has just a few direct counters they're part of every meta Deck. And on R4/R5 he is a beast. He eat up time on defense and hp mostly too. Just a few attackers are able to left the fight with 100% HP left...


I had the same thing happen with Annihilus. I have duped him 4 times easily he’s around 80 Sigs
