American Faith Ministry - I AM REMINDED

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I am reminded, as I walk through this falling rain.
Clear skies that once prevailed soon will return again.
The same is true for the Lamb of God.
He gave His life for the world and soon will return to take His rein.

I am reminded as I stand at the ocean shore.
The endless reach of sea, is the same now, as was before.
The same is true for the Lamb of God.
He is the same yesterday, the same today, and forever more.

In His time, God will reveal His plan.
In His time, then you will understand.
The truth be read, for God has said, in His time.

In His time, dead fields will flow with grass.
In His time, all things will come to pass.
The truth be read, for God has said, in His time.

I am reminded as I watch the leaves return in spring.
New chance provided, a precious gift, from our holy king.
This is the truth from the Lamb of God.
For those who ask, the old shall pass and the new, He will bring.

SINGERS: Rodney Coles, Carol Sinnard

(Words and music, Copyright 2010 Mitch Chandran)
(Guitar sheet music available on request)
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