UHD Alliance - What is it and what will it do for 4K?

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Samsung's Executive Vice President for North America, Joe Stinziano, describes the UHD alliance and the future of content for 4K UHD TVs.

Ask anyone who got stuck with a pile of useless HD DVDs back in 2008 what it’s like to pick the wrong dog in a tech fight, and they’ll tell you: It sucks. How were they supposed to know Blu-ray would win in the end?

But that’s what happens when tech companies butt heads over standards. Early adopters get screwed. Which is why, with every major TV manufacturer now trying to get you buy an Ultra High Defition (UHD) TV, you might be happy to hear about the UHD Alliance.

At CES 2015, familiar names like Samsung, Netflix, Technicolor, and Disney teamed up to form the UHD Alliance, a group charged with forging standards for UHD, from the cameras that capture the scenes, to the screens we watch them on.

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I don't see this UHD "alliance" going anywhere. Content creators are gonna push for high bitrate, high quality standards, and content distributors (directTV and netflix)  are gonna fight for the right to slap the "UHD" moniker on anything that technically uses 3840x2160 even if it's a 1.5Mb/s "could fit on a goddamn CD-ROM" stream.
