Lord of the Rings - The Fourth Battle in the Wars of Beleriand - The Battle of Sudden Flame

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Lord of the Rings - The Fourth Battle in the Wars of Beleriand - The Battle of Sudden Flame.
Matt discusses the pivotal 1st Age battle known as Dagor Bragollach.

Here is a link to the video on the First Battle in the Wars of Beleriand:

Here is a link to the video on the Second Battle in the Wars of Beleriand:

And here is a link to the video on the Third Battle in the Wars of Beleriand:

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So very sorry to hear about the passing of your dear friend. I hope you find comfort in the many wonderful memories you must have spanning the last 20 years. Great video as always Matt. We are especially appreciative of you taking the time to still do this video during this time of sorrow. Take care of yourself.


First and most importantly, thank you for sharing your Kittelor outtakes with us 💖 I think most of us have mourned the loss of an animal friend at some point; there's never enough time to enjoy their company, but it's so good to see that she had a happy life as your stalwart companion. Sending you good vibes.

Another excellent video, I've been loving this series. I appreciate you including the major events in the wake of the 4th Battle proper because it helps to underscore the theme of ongoing conflict between the Bragollach and the Nirnaeth. Your narration is superb as usual; you'd be my first choice for a Silm audiobook narrator. The artwork you sourced was also particularly epic! And finally, I would be remiss not to note that I paused the video and laughed for a solid minute when you said "all smiles for Hurin; no follow-up questions." The poor bloke 😅


So sorry to hear of your loss. Their friendship and love it’s vital especially on the darkest of days when they bring light back into your heart


So sorry to hear about your kitty. Thank you for sharing the delightful footage of her.


Man I love Maedhros he’s such a valiant warrior and good at heart it’s so saddening that he was brought down by his oath, he would have been a great king of the Noldor


Thank you for your video. Great as usual.
I‘m so sad for your fluffy friend. I lost my guinea pig Stewie last month. I totally feel your grief.


Allow me to extend my condolences for your loss. What a long and wonderful friendship to treasure. Kindalore lives on in your heart and memories. What a D&D player Kindalore was! Bold. Assertive. Also a strong presence whenever we were graced with her appearance on video. Take comfort my friend.


Matt, you do such a good job with explaining the silmarilion to those who stopped reading halfway.
My heartfelt sympathy for the loss of your cat.


Amazing content yet again about my favourite part of Tolkien work my friend. Regrettably, and for my surprise, a bittersweet end for this video. My condolences for the loss of a friend. Take comfort in the memories of a loyal companion. Eagerly waiting for the next one!


My heartfelt condolences for your loss. They say in times like these, it's important to let yourself go through the sorrow. Walk that dark road, step by step at one's own pace.
And indeed it is so.
But equally important to look back at one's fond memories, one's firsts shared by the ones we love.
And i think you display that beautifully, in your actions honoring and remembering Kittelor.

Thank you for sharing your memories with us!
And lastly, not all angels have wings. Some have whiskers.


I wonder how Middle-Earth's fate would've changed had Thorondor rescued Fingolfin ere he fell to Morgoth? The Noldor would've remained in Middle-Earth perhaps, but t all worked out in the end if you can call it the end (Dagor Dagoroth). I like how the Ring of Barahir has such powerful significance and stayed in the hands of legendary characters for thousands of years all because of friendship. Until a several years ago I had a cat named Kovu (who has since passed) for about 17 years most of my life...when I was a little kid I rescued a cat who was lost in the woods just happened to find her while exploring and returned her to the owner because her collar... she was pregnant and a few weeks later the lady gave my family one of her kittens who I named Kovu 🥲 even Sauron had a soft spot for the sweet companionship of cats (i.e. Shelob).

The journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it...white shores and beyond...a far green country under a swift sunrise. Rest In Peace, Sir Kittelor


I recently found this channel. I must tell you it is great. Please keep up the amazing work brother.


I am sorry for your loss. She lived almost 20 years? She was a numenorian cat.
Great job with the video. Epic battle, epic video. I think this is the second most epic battle in literature that I know.
The first is the fall of Gondolin.


Please accept my condolences on the lost of your beloved cat, yes still you bring great content. Thanks for sharing this moment and memories with us.


Matt, I found your channel for the Tolkien lore but i stayed for appearances by fair Kittelor... my heartfelt condolences.
Vanë sindë mëoi, namárië


Wonderful video as always and very sorry to hear of the passing of Kittelore, I've had a few family pets in my lifetime and they do become very much a part of the family, I find a cat in particular chooses you, so treasure the memories and know they considered you family too. Thank you for doing these videos, they are very much appreciated I assure you


Terribly sorry Matt, thank you for these wonderful videos, and to Kittalore for all the fun and warm memories she gave you and us.


First and far most I am SO so sorry for your loss. No matter if you know there must eventually be an end it is never easy and furbabies are the sweetest. Try to treasure the memories through the pain.

Second I am so sorry that I'm so far behind in commenting but please don't think I'm not watching/find your work valuable.

Your narrations are always the most glorious. I also have to thank you SO much for these explanations and accompanying maps. My retention and understanding of direction and geography in text is notoriously bad. And you're right. The impatient line never struck me until now and the irony is fun.

I'm also ashamed to admit that by the time I got to the story of Beren and Luthien my brain had totally disconnected that THIS is battle specifically that formed that bond. That is one more problem with a text as thick as the sil... even though I took the time to listen once and physically read once AND have listened/watched as much content on it sometimes it feels like my head will never let everything stick. I hope you can put up with me as I continue to try to defy that.

While I do not mock the tension and seriousness of the passage I find it amusing how many times in classical texts how someone is displaced or set back simply because they can't stand being called craven. I suppose some things just never change. Pride is a terrible wound.

The point that really resonates with me is the lack of songs as music is so important not only to elves, but to the mode of keeping of history and myths in life in general. Also—I will always grin for Cirdan shout outs. And I forgot we got werewolf mentions <3.


The first age is filled with so much valour and sorrow


Great video Matt, very sorry about your kitty. Keep up the great work my friend.
