Highest Paying Jobs For Language Majors!! (Top 10 Jobs)

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Here are the top ten highest paying jobs for language majors! These are some of the best jobs out there for language majors. There are so many great high paying careers for people who receive a language degree. There are so many language majors such as: French major, Spanish major, Japanese major, Chinese major, English major, and so much more! There are many great jobs for these language majors. The world is becoming more globalized than ever before and knowing another language can give you a significant leg up on your competition.

Video Outline:
Job #10: 1:12
Job #9: 2:36
Job #8: 3:53
Job #7: 5:21
Job #6: 6:07
Job #5: 7:45
Job #4: 9:28
Job #3: 11:09
Job #2: 12:44
Job #1: 14:23

Comment Below: What are some other high paying jobs for language majors?


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Thank you for watching, I hope you have an amazing rest of your day!👍


Video Outline:
Job #10: 1:12
Job #9: 2:36
Job #8: 3:53
Job #7: 5:21
Job #6: 6:07
Job #5: 7:45
Job #4: 9:28
Job #3: 11:09
Job #2: 12:44
Job #1: 14:23

Comment Below: What are some other high paying jobs for language majors?

If you are new here, HELLO! My name is Calvin Raab and here I make videos all about economics and the job market. If you are interested in anything like that I would love it if you would subscribe. Here you can find new videos here every Monday and Friday! Have an awesome rest of your day!


Great video! I appreciate that you brought up some less obvious possibilities. I'm tired of only hearing about translating and teaching.


Very interesting video! I'm studying about Korea (language, culture, history, politics etc.) and I'm at the point where I need to choose a minor but I'm not sure at all what kind of path I want to take. I'm less interested in the business and politics side, although the salary and opportunities might be highest there. I enjoy traveling, meeting new people, teaching or helping with the language or my own language so my thoughts right now are either becoming a translator, interpretor or flight attendent. A minor in marketing might be useful but I'm still hesitating so much hahah. This video was quite insightful so thanks :) I'll definitely come back to it.


Thank you for this video, it’s truly helpful


To become a flight attendent, you don't need to get on student debt by studing 4 years of your life in an expensive college. If you are bilingual, then your're all set! you can learn another language by moving to the country of the target language. Cheaper and easier.


Thanks, you make great videos! What would you recommend for someone who doubled majored in math and a foreign language?


It really helps if you can say more than something like "My dog has two eyes..." in 25 different languages.


You should have said actual language jobs like travel wise


I'm learning International Relations and Russian in university right now 😊


5:49 / cabın crew
Low pay
Intense month traınıng coverıng door and evac drılls, emergancy medıcıne, birth delıvery, securıty. Wont always see the world unless u are long haul. More to the job then thought cuz ıts savtey fırst


Can someone help me. I’m 15 and I speak Russian and English. Russian is not perfect because i was raised in the usa. However i am very interested in traveling, culture, language, countries. I was thinking about being a diplomat but im not sure if i would be good enough for that, because by Russian is not the best.


How the hell does a language degree get you into an Information Systems job? If your major is Spanish (BA), you will likely never be around IT or IS. That’s misleading, dude. If you’re going to go into this field, you need a technology degree. Preferably a CIS or CS degree.


He left off Spanish linguist in the US military.


Ironically "teaching" is not on the list.
