Uncovering the Shocking Truth Behind the Filipino Tampo Culture

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Retire in the Philippines with Reekay at LifeBeyondTheSea.

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This is why i follow this channel. I tend to agree a lot with your views. Not afraid to call a spade a spade.


When your women goes into Tampo... call up another girl up. Your women will act right and correct right away..


I find it disrespectful. When my wife and I werr in public and she pulled the silent treatment on me, I got up, went elsewhere, and left her sitting alone. Typically, I ignore her until she comes to me and apologizes, even if it takes days, unless I did something wrong. No sex, no affection, no acknowledgement at all. I don't sleep on the couch either. She can lie next to me in bed, boiling mad for all I care.


As a Filipino born and living in the Philippines for 40 years, I could tell you that simping is part of the Filipino culture especially in courtship and dating.


Tampo is actually classified as a form of emotional abuse. I never put up with it.


In the Philippines, the Filipinas yes, we have this “tampo”. The husband / boyfriend understand this right away. Maybe, somehow in one way or another the lady wont behave the usual way as he pleases, maybe he offended her, or she want something reasonable and he just disregard it. So if it is the lady who is offended, the gentleman has to make up( small gesture that says, I love you) Through “ lambing” “ ( sweetness ) we call this as “suyo”and this is vice versa. Then somehow, the woman or the man would explain why She/ he behaves in that unusual way.


You can’t understand it because you are foreigner, every country has it’s own way of human interaction. Even in the states, women act differently than men, when they say “Yes or No” sometimes they don’t me it literally so you need to be mindful of their body language. Same thing in the Philippines, this trait had been handed down from generation of mom to their daughters, so it doesn’t mean it’s a bad behavior. It’s actually a part of our romantic rituals, which if we not willing to accept there’s more Asian countries you can go, nothing is stopping you.


My wife has done the tampo a few times I guess she sees it doesn't work, I won't breath a word either for a while but in the end she's the one to say she was sorry because I ignore the attitude and still treat her like normal. How can someone continue with all that when I still treat her with love. Unless she's black ball of hatred.


Not necessarily bad behavior but a response to a situation that a woman could not otherwise influence or change. Unlike the French pout that some women pull to passive-aggressively assert their dominance, the male response to the Filipina tampo is to restore the harmony in the relationship.


To All Men. Step Up. You're the provider. You're in charge. You don't tolerate bad behavior. They can always be replaced. You have 1 life in this world, live it well.


No. No. No. Tampo is not bad behavior. Tampo is hurt feelings over something the other person did. Tampo is self restraint - instead of holding a temper tantrum or seeking to exact revenge, it is just feeling slighted and withdrawing (mostly momentarily) from the relationship. The way to resolve Tampo is to find out what was the cause of the hurt and address that either with an apology or an open hearted discussion. Just blindly simping or doing the reverse of ignoring it will not fully resolve the underlying hurt - when unresolved Tampo will turn into passive aggressive behavior… so have an honest talk.


Men all need to stop giving them our time and money for FREE, have self respect and treat them INVISIBLE unless they are treating you good. NEVER reward bad behavior or looks.


This is great information to know ahead of time!


I’m a Filipina dating a British man (younger than me). Yes, I actually do the “tampo” and my boyfriend -blessed his heart for his undying patience, always trying to guide me through my emotions and asked me what’s wrong so we could talk it out and resolve things immediately. For me “tampo” is not a bad thing, it’s just that Filipinas are not argumentative or aggressive into confrontation so instead we just try to silence ourselves because we are hurt. But I also learned from my boyfriend that it is indeed important to discuss what’s wrong and address it. Hopefully all Filipinas will be blessed with a kind hearted, patient, supportive and caring partners. ❤


she going to talk to me or get out of my house


no kissing up.. I ask what is wrong she says nothing.. I ignore her until she decides whatever issue is over... then day's, week's or month's later she brings it up and I say your issue I asked and you said everything was fine.. Soo no discussion now.


When my wife is in that mood... I go to the pub. Then I never here critics from my wife.


Unrelated but where do you get your subtitles? Great short!!


Absolutely true Reekay. No tolerance for manipulation for me. I see friends do what you say and before they know it the guys are walking the right rope every minute and stressed out to cause severe physical problems. No tolerance in my world. Health women don’t do that at all


grandma says Not only the woman make TAMPO but sometimes the man and so the woman kiss up to lessen the TAMPO of the men GENTLE REMINDER BOTH MAN & WOMAN MAKE TAMPO JUST TO BE CLEAR
