Understand the purpose of a SOULMATE CONNECTION

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We have all heard about soulmate connections. But do we really know what they are and what is the purpose of a soulmate relationship? Do we realy understand why in certain instances we can met our soulmate. What are the signs to look for to know if it’s a soulmate and what to expect from a soulmate relationship. Is it just about love? These are a few of the questions I will address in this video. Hope you like it.

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This is a general reading for Aries. Depending on your actual birth chart it will resonate more or less with your personal situation.

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I am a tarot reader and palmist (palm reading, chiromancy) and I provide spiritual guidance based on my deep intuition.

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NB : These videos are for entertainment purpose only.
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No words mam for this topic, tears in eyes, happiness in heart and smile on


I meet him and felt like I knew him through times and times. Our sync was so crazy, we just looked at each other and understood what the other wanted or was thinking. I met him when I was heartbroken, completely torn down both personally and professionally. The connection was instant, effortless, easy, flowing, I got lost into his eyes, they were so powerfully beautiful, those eyes pulled me close to his soul and I stayed there. Unfortunately, we parted, because he was there to only help me evolve and become something I never thought I would. My life completely changed from 6 years ago (when I met him) and I'm a completely different person today. We are not together though but despite being heartbroken I never wished him bad, none of us is married even today, but the heart wants what it wants...
When I saw this video - I cried... I still want him back but know I can't have him is the worst feeling the universe is such a player..


Exactly describes the relationship I’ve been in and out of for years. But it gets so intense he leaves. Both of us grows somehow when we’re together. Hopefully we both heal and grow enough to be together again some day.


Every single detail in video is so true ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Intense, challenging, for each others evolution, not an easy one, not understandable by others, uncoditional love, observable aura of love flowing without speaking a word, at the end it feels divinely and most satisfying. Grateful Universe and ma'am (as i could acknowledge because of you)♥️🙏


I have no words.. maybe I lost him.. not knowing much about this I always felt something with him that I never felt.. He transformed me to a beautiful butterfly from a caterpillar.. 💖 I don't know m gonna meet him again or we are already apart.. 💖 It was magical it was soul storming..💖 I can relate to your each and every word.. THANK YOU 💗


Its deeper, its spiritual. Its like a mirror..wow so true.


I have this bond with a guy 10 yr younger than me. He randomly approached me at a lake, sat next to me and started conversation. We connected instantly. He told me he had seen me sitting while walking by, but something told him to turn around and come to me. It’s been 3 months, and we have this natural deep bond that we didn’t work on at all. We didn’t do any work to reach this level of compatibility, that we have naturally. We get each other, we feel like home with each other, and I feel so loved and cared by him. We both feel very protective of each other. It’s the most beautiful connection ever. He has taught me that I deserve love and care as the bare minimum just for being a normal human. I always had bad relationships but this feels completely different.


Hi Roshan, this video is beautifuly shared. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this video. Much Blessings


So true, I found mine so very rare. I cherish the fact every moment, a gift from divine. I wonder if she has any idea. For me being around her is magical, there's nothing else I find that can come even close to this experience with extension of self.


Beautiful explaination of soulmate relationship ❤️❤️


You are not an ordinary women. Salute you.


Your explanation is so much realistic maam, it just brought tears in my eyes. I too met my soulmate amidst of a challenging situation where I became suicidal.. he is of same age like me... he came unexpectedly as a pure blessing, nurtured me, adored me... put up all my broken pieces together and built me again... brought me back into a happy life. I tresure him, love him wholeheartedly...and he loves me in an unconditional way. We respect each other so much. Truly all other relationships before him seems totally insignificant when he came in my life. He is the best gift ever to me by the divine. Though this connection is the most precious, it's right that it's quite challenging sometimes too. And your word that "every disorder has a secret order in it" hit me hard. We are the bestest of friends. Our friendship somewhere coincides with all the spiritual fulfillments that one gets from a satisfying relationship. Even if we don't become spouse, then also I'm immensely grateful to meet him in this lifetime. Thank you so much maam. Your readings are lovely and genuine. I'm a scorpio woman of number 2 personality. I've listened to your videos regarding my series and loved those. You are awesome. God bless you. ❤😇


I feel like I've met my soulmate but we can't be together. 😔💔


my first love was my soul mate, it was long distance and hard, it was too intense for me and i became emotionally blunt for a while, i always thought we would meet again at some point, maybe when i am middle aged or even old, ive met other girls way out of my league since and it has felt like i was settling because ill never have that same connection, until now i have been waiting, working on my career and my self awareness, thinking that one day we will meet again but hearing that soul mates dont always stick around has lifted a huge burden, the feeling i had with her still motivates me but watching this has made me okay with living my own life finally


Beautiful description of the soulmate. I can listen to you speak all day.


Thank you dear one. I dreamed with my soul mate 23 years ago. Met him 10 years ago... We starts our journey but was cut short 3 month later due to family issue from him. I felt naked it when I was with him. Made me feel me. No relation now just friends, but I feel my ❤ beat special when we talk😍😍😍.17 years apart but it feels like nothing.


It's not nessenery that a soulmate should be Ur hubby or wife, it can be Ur best friend too. It's just all about connection and understanding . Not everything is end up on marriage. Friendship can be also in with a soulmate ♥️🙂


Thank you so much for your beautiful explanation ma'am. Real respect and love for you ✨✨. Expecting more videos on soulmate relationships and karmic relationships from you. Keep speaking mystical and keep making your audience aware. You are an angel sent by God to illuminate us on these topics which are really impacting everyone's life. You are doing a great service ma'am. God bless you and we expect more and more ❤️


You look Absolutely Stunning My dear. We love you here in Atlanta


We love you!!
Yellow suits you well. You look great😘💐💖
