#CapCut How 37k followers flooded in “overnight” 👇 But in reality…my client, Reet, got tired wasting

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#CapCut How 37k followers flooded in “overnight” 👇 But in reality…my client, Reet, got tired wasting YEARS struggling alone & invested in an aligned coach (me) & strategy. She started working with me, and got herself branded and set up for actual busienss success. 2 months later…she shares a video that tells a heart-warming story…and BOOM. It happened “overnight.” 😉 Nothing happens overnight. But taking the next right strategic step, again and again, DOES lead to the one night everything shifts for you. That video has over 20 MILLION VIEWS NOW, bringing in new ideal clients daily, and that’s possible for you too! The real strategy I share with my clients👇 The Four Types of Content You Need To Activate Sales! 1️⃣Transformational Content Tell Your Story Strategically (Coach Reet nailed this) 2️⃣ Provide Value Content Show Them How, Provide Value, and Position Yourself as the Expert 3️⃣ What Is Content Educate Your Ideal Client on Their Problem and Your Solution 4️⃣ Visibility and Relatability Content Make Them Say “Me Too” or “Awwww!” and Share Your Content Coach Reet captured hearts with heart-warming content that went viral. 👉You need to create content that has the strategy to not only go viral, but inspire actual sales…not put you in the “friendzone.” And I have the mastered the art of it all… Comment or DM me, “FIRE” to get access! 🔥 It’s time for you to go viral and become the icon. It’s your time to grow. Hoping, wishing, & praying is not a real strategy… It’s time for a plot twist. ✒️📜📽️🎞️🔥 You write your next chapter. But first type “FIRE.” -S #queerentrepreneurship #queerstories #lgbtqiabusinessowners #lesbianentrepreneur #wlw