Genshin Impact shika cheat 5.0 | free | PC

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WARNING Use this software at your own risk!
A review of the cheat for the Genshin Impact game named "SHIKA"
Works ONLY on windows 10/11!
(If you use my cfg, the menu opens with the key "INSERT". If you don't use my cfg, the menu opens with the key "TAB")
—————————————Problems the to solve them————————————
Wallpaper Ingine: Name - Zenless Zone Zero (Loading Screen)
Discord theme - "Midnight" and "Neutron"
Happy hacking ~
❤Thank you❤
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and so, version 5.1 will be released very soon (or maybe it has already been released) and, accordingly, all cheats will stop working for a while. (shika may be the very first to update) I will try to post the video as soon as possible




1. does it really work? yes
2. you get some virus warning from windows? yea thats how these cheats do to work, based on my exp it have not affect my pc, make sure to put it on exclusion so you wont get the annoying virus warning.
3. will you get banned? yes if you abuse the cheat. it will depend on how you use it.
4. what if you got banned? you get 1 week ban period. 2nd time? permanent.

using in spiral abyss, score based events (combat, etc), co-op.
using everthing on the settings.
abusing the cheats.

do not abuse the cheats.
make sure to put the values on minimal use only.
gamespeed? ( i use it on hotkey mode with 2x)
autoloot? ( i use 10-20m)
autotalk?( i use 2x. make sure to turn it off when there is a "do you have a question" dialouge, it will just keep going on loop)
godmode? sure
inf stamina? sure
multi-hit? ( use 3x-5x)
skill related( avoid )

i experienced a 1st time banned when used on a score based event( specially on combat), make sure to avoid.
do play atleast like a normal player. dont get caught too much on the cheat.
these are based on my exp, this can be a guide if you want to play safe.

feel free to use the cheat. genshin exploration.dialogue are hella tiring


I'll briefly explain what shika is.
The developer who updated m-gi (minty genshin impact) left the KW Team and he just created his own discord server and continued to update minty just under a different name “shika”, nothing terrible happened. all the functions that were in minty are in shika.
Please read it ⬇
I try to help and answer everyone's question, but sometimes I may not see your comment or know the solution to your problem (Unfortunately, I'm not all-knowing), so I may ignore you. If I couldn't help you with your problem or didn't answer you, you can go to discord server shika and in the “issues” channel create a post, describe your problem in detail and clearly, if there is a possibility to send a video, then send it. But before you create a post, go to the “issue-faq” channel, there will be a link “Common issues are fixed here”, go there and see if your problem is there, if not, then create a post. (link to shika discord server in the video description. and yes, I'm not a creator/admin/moderator/helper, I'm exactly the same regular user who just wants to download cheats like you🙂😉) Have a good time of day


Judging by the comments, there was a ban wave last week (16-22). those who were banned, please write what server you played on and what functions you used. Interesting to read
(ban wave continues, but only on the Asian server and yes, they ban not only people with cheats, but also those who use 3dmigoto, macros, overlays. I strongly recommend that you do not use cheats and other programs if you are playing on an Asian server. Be careful)


tnx u, now abyss on my 25ar will be completed! <3


The Kill aura is insane !!!! Thank bro, i knew you since 4.6 mod


Auto pickup shouldnt be a damn cheat ....that should be in the game itself.


Thank you. saving for later if my account ever gets hacked again so I can save hundreds of hours to get back where I was.


Mine actually freezes right in front of the door, it lets me configure all the hacks but doesn't let me enter.


Hello, I'm from Asia Server and it's my Day 1 of using Shika 5.0...I just tried the "safe" options according to the comments on this video because I have seen that most bans are from Asia Server. So far, my account of almost 3 years is still good.

I used Shika 5.0 for the sole purpose of 100% all regions as quickly as possible, and not abuse for Spiral Abyss, Co-op or anything event related.

My Settings....
Player Speed: 1.5x
Game Speed: 1.5x
God Mode: ON
Infinite Stamina: ON
NoClip: 16x speed
ESP: 300m
AutoLoot: 5m
AutoDestroy: 5m
AutoTalk: 1.4x speed
Crash Damage (Percent Mode): 10%
Open Team Immediately

I would like to ask ANYONE's recommendations or tips to better settings to avoid ban.

P.S. I really like this program and I wanna keep using it for explorations but I don't wanna get banned either. Thank you a ton for sharing this, btw. I have made progress today that would have taken me a week to do normally.

Edit 1: I got a one-week ban earlier this morning. I guess I overused the cheats... Do not use the settings I have used or at least play like a normal player. I am planning to use a different setting on a brand new account for testing.

Player Speed: 1.5x ----> OFF (1.0x)
Game Speed: 1.5x OFF (1.0x)
God Mode: ON ----> OFF
Infinite Stamina: ON
NoClip: 16x speed ----> 1x-2x speed
ESP: 300m 250m
AutoLoot: 5m ----> OFF
AutoDestroy: 5m ----> OFF
AutoTalk: 1.4x speed ---> OFF
Crash Damage (Percent Mode): 10% ----> OFF
Open Team Immediately: ON ----> OFF

Edit 2: Brand New Account still got banned a day after. Even though not overusing/abusing the cheats still gets you banned. I can conclude that as soon as there's a Third-Party App running along with Genshin (launcher.exe), no matter what you do will get you banned. DO NOT USE THIS CHEAT EVER IF DON'T WANT AN PERMA-BAN AFTER GETTING CAUGHT THE SECOND TIME ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE IN ASIA SERVER.


Im on 75% keyboard and i dont have insert key to open the menu.. TAB doesnt work aswell


GUYS ALERT, IVE BEEN BANNED FOR USING THIS AND IVE LOST MY 3 YEAR OLD ACCOUNT NOW, NOTE, PEOPLE SAID NOTHING WILL HAPPEN EVEN AFTER USING THIS AND "theres noone banned till now" NOW UK T_T... just letting you know that people like me have actually been banned T_T


Does it still work bro? I waited for 5mns on the loading screen and the cheat didnt load


I'm having problems opening the game, Shika doesn't appear


Nice hack. I want to ask, is there any function that make you open the sealed chest without completing the puzzle?


Quick question:
1. Is it safe to use in Spiral Abyss?
2. Is there any prohibited things(to avoid ban)?
3. What happen if accept co-op while using it?


HELP i opened the menu and my mouse freaked out and now the top half of the menu is stuck at the top and i cant move it what do i do to get it unstuck!! 😭


"ban" not only Asia, it's in all server include china and bilibili


my pc when i launched the shika exe it says "it canot operate inside one drive, pls move shika to another folder" I have move shika to another folder but its still not working could you pls give me some advice? TvT
