Dr. Catherine Kelly on SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being - #LocalChampionsInterviews

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How do we ensure everyone in the local area and beyond has the chance to live a healthy life? What does 'health and wellbeing' truly mean for our communities?

Join Dr. Catherine Kelly, author of Blue Spaces, as she elaborates on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal #3 "Good Health and Well-Being", and why we would be getting out into nature more. Discover the initiatives in the local area, including Brighton & Hove, that champion public health and wellbeing.

Enjoying the insights? Explore the full series where 17 local champions bring to life each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs") in celebration of the United Nations day.

This initiative is a collaboration by The Living Coast UNESCO Biosphere, the Our City Our World environmental education programme, and the Brighton & Hove City Council. Crafted mainly for local primary schools, but insightful for everyone!

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