EU4 1.35 Teutonic Order Opening Moves Guide: One Faith World Conquest Setup (Part 1)

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In this video, we'll do the opening moves and set up for the eventual One Faith World Conquest by Teutonic Order. We'll become the Holy Horde and target a development milestone by 1600.

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Thank you for watching! Have you done a One Faith World Conquest? If yes, do you have any advice for the Part 2 of this run?


Amazing channel! No unneccesary fast paced editing, everything straight forward presented in a very entertaning manner. The video's are always pleasant to watch. Keep it up!


Nice to see you reached your like goal within a couple of hours instead of a week! This speaks for itself :)


Slight addendum to the Livonian Order vassalization thing for people who want to try this themselves: Ideally you want +2 diplo rep when you complete the mission as that gives a 90% chance for the Livonians to accept vassalization. In 1.34 this was a bit of a pain as youd have to take the advisor and then find another diplo rep somewhere, but in 1.35 with the Clergy privilege that gives +1 diplo rep it's very easy. Alternatively if you can't get an advisor for whatever reason +1 diplo rep still gives a 60% chance.


Very entertaining, skillfull, and helpful. Thank you for this good content.


Oh and a tip: the 6 possible options for heirs of monastic orders are based on the date. If none of the 6 is to your liking, you can let a day pass, save, and savescum with 6 new random heirs.


Please keep making videos like this, most country guides on Youtube are pretty simple and can be figured out in a few play throughs. Your views are very unique and you do things that I wouldn't have thought of even in my 3000+ hours in EU4. I also really like the no CB Byz on December 11th I've always been interested in countries that can pull that off.


I feel like I've discovered one of the eu4 big dogs on content creation in the earliest days. Your subscriber count has doubled since I very recently discovered you.

Like if you did a series of these where you did a world conquest from every continent that would be cool. it sorta self-regulates the no cb byzantium opener concern if you do a wc as ibadi kilwa or whatever.

I loved this video and I absolutely want to see you go all the way and complete this series

If you consistently conplete and upload world conquests with this level of quality and care in the video making process, you will go far


No cbing Byzantium is annoying because mil access can be a PITA sometimes, but I do it in all my games where I can do it because it makes the Ottos way easier to deal with.

Although another strategy I've had success with is buddying up to Hungary and bankrupting the Ottomans in Hungarian defensive wars (since Hungary tends to be decently strong and get allies like Austria, France, or Aragon) - always a hilarious experience.

I'm nowhere near skilled enough to actually do one-faith WCs, but I love your content style and presentation - factual, informative, not memey. Keep up the good work!


After completing this myself, I agree that the no CV on Byzantium start is a must, mainly because the Ottomans become a big annoying threat that blocks your progress at any opportunity once they start rivalling you, which they will eventually and will do stuff like ally Muscovy (which is absurd, just shows the AI bends over backwards to wall in the player) or they start guaranteeing any AI who refuses to ally them when asked. As for Austria, Hungry and Bohemia wanting your provinces eventually, you never really have to worry about them breaking their alliance with you over territory disputes because by the time they get mad enough to break it, Austria's mission try will force the AI to declare PU wars on Bohemia first then later Hungry and in both situation the AI will contest (The AI is hyper aggressive this patch for some reason), meaning in both situations Bohemia and Hungry will shoot themselves in the foot in the process, you get dragged into these wars but you don't really need to do much as you just sit back and watch Austria and the HRE allies roflstomp both since their own allies won't get called in... because you all share the same allies and the mission tree event will prevent conflicting allies from siding with Hungry or Bohemia and instead side with Austria. Effectively giving you two free allies in the form of Austria's PUs while simultaneously ending Austria's interests in your territories because AI vassals under normal circumstances become incapable of fulfilling missions unless it is forced... by a player and the AI won't force it on their vassals because it is dumb.

However, you will not be able to take territory quickly and you'll have to slowly grind through Poland and Lithuania, especially if they are in a PU; What often happens if you do so, they won't form the commonwealth, instead they will constantly have succession civil wars after each conquest due to high independence desire from either party, with no one supporting either, meaning, they end up constantly embroiled in civil war and weak, making them even easier to defeat with each truce expire. With that said, expect unforeseen consequences, such as genoa and mamelukes taking Anatolia and Muscovy bloating super fast, you'll need to be quick on your feet and take the territories required to prevent them forming Russia before they reach tech 10, so make a beeline to do so before 1550 (which is roughly around the time the AI reaches tech 10). They are strong, but Austria is stronger, just worry about sneaky death stacks, so keep your forces clustered to jump on them, Tutons have better troops and mil tech and can beat them if you throw your whole army at their stacks.


These chill runs are so fun to watch. Thanks for the awesome content.


First eu4 youtuber that i subscribe to, continue the good content


It was one of the best eu4 videos I've ever watched


that Ottoman stackwipe on the island of Cephalonia was all Hungary's doing. That one lightship blocked the Ottoman retreat haha


just yesterday i finished a teutons into mongol empire run, albeit in the late 1600s. This along with stuff i learned from your video gives me the will i need to embark on an one culture run haha


I am happy to have found your channel.


Nice vid, concerning the bohemians if you siege down prague or the bohemian captial you get to potentially sack it twice once from a regular captial sack 2nd from an event which gives more than just money.


I appreciate the starting moves. It has helped me get off the ground twice. But my rng was particularly bad with austria and poland/lithuania so ive had to restart 2 times. I'll be trying again today so we will see!


Declaring a war without a casus belli should have different penalties, and they should affect your external (reputation, improve relations, liberty desire, etc.) rather than internal politics (stability, war exhaustion). Both for realism and challenging gameplay. Well done regardless, very nicely edited and narrated video.


Great! I decided to like the video but after the clip of your dog I directly suscribed. Could you consider in the future to go for a Sunset Invasion?
