Python for Beginners - Full Course

Показать описание
0:00:00 - Intro
0:01:32 - Hello World
0:03:40 - What is Python?
0:06:15 - Execution Order
0:07:29 - Printing Text
0:12:07 - Code Errors
0:13:49 - Comments
0:16:20 - Variable Declaration
0:18:40 - Variable Naming
0:21:20 - Naming Conventions
0:23:00 - Reassigning Variables
0:25:00 - Multiple Assignments
0:28:56 - Variable Types
0:32:51 - Dynamic Typing
0:35:31 - Type Casting
0:37:08 - Type Errors
0:39:21 - Empty Variable
0:40:51 - Arithmetic Operators
0:46:42 - More Operators
0:50:32 - Shorthand Operators
0:53:32 - Boolean OR
0:57:51 - Boolean AND
0:59:57 - Boolean Negation
1:02:19 - Introduction to Functions
1:05:42 - Function Declaration
1:07:10 - Parameters
1:10:18 - Multiple Parameters
1:12:59 - Return Statement
1:14:33 - Type Hints
1:17:44 - Scope
1:22:28 - Global vs Local Scope
1:27:13 - Default Arguments
1:30:10 - Comparison Operators
1:33:58 - If Statements
1:36:57 - If Statement Scope
1:41:09 - If-Else Statements
1:45:04 - Else-If Statements
1:49:40 - Logic Condition
1:51:15 - Truthy and Falsy
1:55:40 - While Loops
1:58:46 - While Loops Counting
2:00:00 - While Loops Multiples
2:01:15 - For Loops
2:03:43 - For Loops Start
2:05:21 - For Loops Step
2:07:38 - For Loops Reverse
2:10:50 - Nested Loops
2:14:15 - Control Flow
2:17:42 - Length Function
2:19:33 - String Indexing
2:22:53 - String Looping
2:24:44 - String Looping Shorthand
2:26:52 - String Concatenation
2:28:52 - String Slicing Part 1
2:34:10 - String Slicing Part 2
2:38:17 - Reversing a String
2:40:03 - Strings are Immutable
2:43:17 - String Formatting
2:46:43 - Intro to Lists
2:49:22 - List Operations
2:52:57 - List Looping
2:55:26 - List Functions
2:59:43 - List Append
3:02:03 - List Pop
3:04:34 - List Find
3:07:28 - List Slicing
3:10:34 - Tuples
3:12:54 - Intro to Sets
3:15:17 - Set Operations
3:18:28 - Set Practice
3:20:26 - Intro to Dictionaries
3:24:56 - Dict Operations
3:27:44 - Dict Looping
3:30:47 - Dict Practice
3:33:53 - Dict Remove
3:36:32 - Dict Values
3:37:52 - Reading Input
3:41:43 - Type Conversion with Input
3:44:26 - Parse Input
3:47:32 - Reading Input Practice
3:49:10 - Try Except
3:52:11 - Error Catching
3:55:14 - Multiple Except Blocks
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