Jim Cramer breaks down the recent market rally and what is behind it

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'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer looks at today's rally and the drivers leading the major indexes to record closes.
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I am regretting not taking advantage of Nvidia's boom ever since but still grateful i kept money in the money market. With about $150k maturing soon, i plan investing in the stock market. What stocks should I look into to average down in and safely grow my money?


Recently bought some recommended stocks and now they are just penny stocks. There seems to be more negative portfolios in the last 3rd half of 2023 with markets tumbling, soaring inflation, and banks going out of business. My concern is how can the rapid interest-rate hike be of favor to a value investor, or is it better avoiding stocks for a while?


Sold my APPL before it tanked, will buy at next major drop. I’d definitely need to make use of the $250k liquidity elsewhere. So what should I be looking at? Large cap or small cap stocks? Maybe crypto?


I'm thinking to put some cash in stocks, I was at Salt Shack and i overheard some friends saying its ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? I’ve been sitting on over $545K equity from a home sale and I’m not sure where to go from here, is it a good time to buy into stocks or do I wait for another opportunity?


Thanks Mate, the sad truth is that no one has a clue, we all react to what happens as it happens and try to analyse it but can’t predict an iota of what is going to unfold in the markets… content creators are like amplifiers, when times are good they affirm it and try to tell you why it’s good and that it’s looking bullish but then all of a sudden the market turns bearish and everyone affirms it again and try to analyse why… it’s so sad that many are so powerless and it's not about guessing the market's next move; it's about playing it smart and steady during trading...managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.3Bitcoin to a decent 19Bitcoin in the space of a few months... I'm especially grateful to Kerrie Farrell, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape....


Market highs can sometimes be followed by corrections, but predicting the timing and extent of it is challenging. I've heard some analysts talk about a 'massive' correction. It makes me wonder if it's time to adjust my $2M portfolios or maybe even consider some defensive investments.


Tengo 54 años y mi esposa y yo estamos MUY preocupados por nuestro futuro, los precios de la gasolina y los alimentos aumentan a diario. Nuestros ahorros han disminuido con el costo de vida hasta la estratosfera, y nos resulta imposible reemplazarlos. Podemos arreglárnoslas, pero parece que no podemos salir adelante. Mi más sentido pésame a cualquiera que se jubile en esta crisis, 30 años sin parar solo para que un sistema corrupto se lleve todo por lo que usted trabajó... Todo gracias a Stuart Michael por su maravilloso estratega.


I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Julie Brown.


Tom Lee's been right all along. The only guy Wapner bites his tongue and listens to cuz Lee shoes up with his research and analysis and not simply opinion.


The problem is the stock market is already 20-30% overpriced by historical metrics, yet it keeps going higher. We know how this is going to end. The same way it always does when we over-inflate the market. Here we go again. It's like the traders on Wall Street just can't help themselves.


Banks don't pay taxes on profit anymore if they're federally insured. Just like PFE


Lots of hater always watching Jim...why do you watch him!? Just go buy some more AMC lol


You're not afraid that the float today was 3x the amt of shares available? Or that it was short contracts pushing down the value, not to mention the pauses and halts to allow more puts and sells from people? Some of us do data for fun... AMC would CRUSH THE MARKET and ruin ALL CORRUPTION. Goodluck with that.


The “rate of increase” of inflation is slowing down. That means it’s still going up right ? That’s supposed to be good news?


can't argue...Jim's been right all the way up since the lows


I appreciate you making complex trading concepts clear and accessible to everyone. Thanks for your valuable work!🎑


We were also trained on what a rational PE was. Jim, maybe, sometimes, there isn't a good bet.


I am so glad I bought 10 shares of Nvidia back in 2022, 288% gain since and I can’t wait for the split.


Always climbing a wall of worry Jim, always


Cramer actually identifies the market as it lays… index buyers and buybacks continuously reduce float and regularly add liquidity. The entire apparatus is supported by 401ks and paychecks, every dip an opportunity in the long run.

But most importantly, its all about sentiment and aggression. Identifying aggressive buyers and a positive story puts you on the right side of the trade.

Been a good run. Looking forward to another pullback opportunity.
