Glee - Brittany and Santana talks about wanting Santana's Abuela at the Wedding 6x06
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Episode: What the Worlds Need Now
Episode: What the Worlds Need Now
Glee - Brittany and Santana talk about their 'relationship' 2x15
Glee - Santana Explains To Brittany About The Wedding Superstition and Kisses Her 6x08
Glee - Brittany Tells Santana About MIT 5x12
glee but it's brittana background moments
All Brittana Kisses
Brittany and Santana: Full Love Story (Music Edition)
Glee Brittany and Santana show each other their 'born this way' shirts 2x18
Glee - Brittana proposal 6x03
Glee - Brittany tells her parents that she and santana are getting married 6x06
Glee - Brittany Makes Santana A Valentine's Day Playlist 3x13
GLEE 'Hand in My Pocket I Feel The Earth Move Full Performance
Glee - Brittany Tells Santana She Thinks She's Pregnant 2x15
Glee Santana wishes Brittany will hold her hand 3x04
Glee - Landslide (Full Performance + Scene) 2x15
Glee - Figgins Tells Brittana To Stop Kissing In Public 3x13
GLEE - Mine (Full Performance) (Official Music Video)
Santana & Brittany 139
Glee - Santana Asks Brittany To Go With Her To New York 5x13
Santana and Brittany being in love for 4 minutes 54 seconds straight
Glee - Brittany Tells Santana She Was Out Of Sync When Performing Toxic 5x12
Glee Sue puts dirt in Santana and Brittany's locker 2x16
glee cast breaking character
GLEE - Full Performance of ''Mine' from 'The Break-Up'
Glee - Brittany Tells Santana She Knows She Lied About Having A Girlfriend 4x13