The Qurbani Sacrifice FAQ + Lessons from the Qur'an | Dhul Hijjah | Eid al Adha

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The Qurbani (Udhiyyah) sacrifice is a great act of worship that we carry out during the days of Eid al Adha, in commemoration of the sacrifice made by the Prophet Ibrahim (as) with his son Prophet Ismaeel (as).

In this video, Ustadh Adil Safdar shares some lessons we can take from the story of sacrifice as narrated in the Qur'an, and also covers some common FAQ surrounding the sacrifice of the animal which we carry out on the days of Eid.

0:00 - Intro
0:23 - The prayer of Prophet Ibrahim (as)
0:50 - The dream of Prophet Ibrahim (as)
1:43 - Prophet Ismaeel (as) accepts the sacrifice
2:08 - The REAL lesson of sacrifice
3:20 - Qurbani FAQ



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Рекомендации по теме

Where will you be carrying out your Qurbani this year?

0:00 - Intro
0:23 - The prayer of Prophet Ibrahim (as)
0:50 - The dream of Prophet Ibrahim (as)
1:43 - Prophet Ismaeel (as) accepts the sacrifice
2:08 - The REAL lesson of sacrifice
3:20 - Qurbani FAQ
