A Real Exorcist Reviews 'The Pope's Exorcist'

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Fr. Carlos Martins, a highly respected Catholic priest and exorcist, has a LOT to say about the recent movie "The Pope's Exorcist" starring Russel Crowe. Fr. Martins was even at one point approached by the producers. Pretty crazy stuff!

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#Apologetics #CapturingChristianity #ExistenceofGod

My sister had a formal Catholic house exorcism in 1995. Activity dramatically died down...but it never left.
I was visiting her in her house in 2003. She, I, , and her husband were talking in the kitchen when I felt a need to pray for them.
I excused myself from the table, saying I was tired and was going to lay down on the couch for a nap.
No one knew my intention to pray but me. I started to pray silrntly and mentally. As soon as I stated the Our Father, a large picture hanging on the wall suddenly flew off the wall and crash landed in a far corner of the room.
The demon reacts to prayer as well as holy water and other sacramentals. By the way...I ignored the parlor trick and finished my prayers with no worry.


I am so very proud of Father Martins for following his integrity and values.


You know your exorcist horror movie is crap when an actual exorcist falls asleep watching it. Twice. I'm cracking up!!


What a great priest have watched so many videos of him have so much respect for him, Father Martin please pray for us 🙏🙏🙏🌹


The horror genre can never capture the true devious nature and creativity of the diabolical tricks the way they actually play out.


Jesus has already won the battle. He is our saviour.


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:01 🎥 In this video, the hosts review the movie "The Pope's Exorcist" starring Russell Crowe from the perspective of reality and an actual Catholic Exorcist.
02:04 🧙 Father Carlos Martens is an experienced exorcist with 20 years of experience and hosts the podcast "The Exorcist Files, " focusing on spiritual warfare.
05:45 🎬 The hosts discuss the request to have Russell Crowe on Father Carlos's podcast, which he declined due to concerns about the movie's accuracy and intentions.
10:25 🎥 Father Carlos criticizes "The Pope's Exorcist" movie for being unrealistic and sensational, emphasizing the lack of authenticity in portraying exorcism.
15:37 👻 Father Carlos highlights the difference between the movie and real exorcisms, explaining that the devil's manifestations are meant to create fear and disbelief in observers.
21:11 🎥 The hosts discuss how movies like this one may appropriate Catholicism and twist it for profit, raising concerns about the accuracy and portrayal of the religion in such films.
25:20 🪔 The film "The Pope's Exorcist" inaccurately portrays the Vatican and its architecture, including the presence of Gothic churches, which is not accurate.
27:12 🤔 Demons in exorcism would never demand an exorcist, as priests possess the presence of Jesus Christ sacramentally, making such a demand illogical.
29:04 📚 The portrayal of the sacrament of confession in the movie is inaccurate and diminishes its significance, as confession should involve contrition and a priest's absolution.
42:15 👹 Belief in demons and demon possession is common among clergy in the Catholic Church, and skepticism about their existence is decreasing, not increasing.
47:28 🎥 The movie "Nefarious" effectively conveyed the reality of demon possession through dialogue and subtle nuances, focusing on the intellectual and theological aspects rather than sensational effects.
49:20 🧙‍♂️ Knowing the name of a demon can be significant in exorcism, as it helps establish authority and understanding, aligning with some aspects of the exorcism ritual.
50:27 🔮 Using God's name disrespectfully is considered an evil action in exorcism because there is a connection between God's name and reality.
51:11 🕵️ Exorcists isolate demons from their sources of strength and anonymity to interrogate them effectively during exorcisms.
52:03 🚫 Exorcists should never seek to become possessed by demons themselves, as it is a foolish and blasphemous act that worsens the situation.
54:21 🙏 Father Amorth's name is invoked in exorcism, and there is evidence from the demonic realm that suggests he is among the blessed in heaven.
55:18 👹 The documentary "The Devil and Father Amorth" shows real footage of an exorcism performed by Father Amorth, and it is considered accurate by the exorcist in the video.
56:37 📹 Video evidence alone may not establish the existence of the demonic realm, as it can be faked, and the true nature of exorcism is difficult to capture on camera.
59:37 👼 Guardian angels and their roles are not affected by the fall of angels because God's plan always accounted for the possibility of angels falling.
01:07:48 🙏 Building a strong relationship with Jesus Christ and learning to pray is emphasized as a more fulfilling and important pursuit than sensational aspects of exorcism.


Fr. Carlos, I'll pray for you today. Thank you for aways sharing your wisdom. God bless you.


I'm already grateful you have a CATHOLIC EXORCIST there with you Thankyou ❤


As an Italian pre-teen, teen and young adult I watched a number of tv shows (on Italian tv) where Father Amorth was a guest. He was very well known and very well respected in Italy and was invited very often to religious discussions in both religious and non religious type of shows. I remember he had a sense of humour, a very down to earth man ( no pun intended!) and wasn't at all a stereotypical stern catholic priest.


Father Martin is so good at explaining things.

I love listening to him when he’s able to speak in podcasts.


You just made me a fan of Fr. C Martins! Thanks!


This father is very patient... Listens carefully 💟


I had the priest come blessed my whole house with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary every year sometimes twice a year, then I put Saint Benedict’s medals all over my house and buried them at 4 corners of my land and around my house, then pray the Benedict’s prayer on it. I also blessed my house with holy water 2-3x a week.
It also helps even more when you are active Christian. Go to church, confession, read the Bible and pray the rosary everyday. Do a deliverance and healing prayer from a priest.
The key is consistent, it goes along way because it takes awhile for God to purify and for you to grow in graces. Is a lifetime commitment but is worth every seconds.


Fr. Martin, thank you so much for sharing your love for us. My spiritual life has been very difficult lately because of fear but this was so helpful in calming me and directing my path to Christ.


I highly recommend the Exorcist files!


I really like these movie reviews. Please keep them going from time to time


Beautiful interview, thanks to both.
St. Augustine said that to understand we must first believe and that "that God who made you without you will not save you without you".
Today I found these truths in the words of Father Martins.
May God bless his work, always, and may the Blessed Virgin protect him always.


Love, love, love, Fr. Martins. I'd love to get to go to one of his Relics lectures some time to... if you ever get the chance, you should interview him about that ministry as well. And ask him about what happens when people walk in and come into contact with those relics, not knowing they have demonic problems. I've heard him talk about it before, and its really interesting. As somebody who is intrigued with the study of Angelology and Religious Demonology, I'd love to get to pick his brain. He's a deep well of wisdom. You should try to get Bishop James Long on some time as well. He's another wealth of knowledge.. And also very personable. I love to listen to these Priests talk... You KNOW they have to be on point, because they have to face off with the demonic every day with nothing but their faith as a shield.


Thank you Fr Martins for all your sane, and authentic teaching in your gentle voice and balanced words, about demonic activity and how we can be helped as lay faithful. Thank you for your service to the sheep in humility and charity. God love and bless you and all exorcists.🙏🏼
