Critique Of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant (Free Summary)

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A groundbreaking and influential philosophy classic about the limits of human reason @BooksinBlinks

➤ What is it about?

The Critique of Pure Reason (1781) is one of the most groundbreaking, revolutionary, and influential books in the history of Western philosophy. Pointing out the limits of human reason, it argues that we can have knowledge about the world as we experience it, but we can never know anything about the ultimate nature of reality.

➤ Key ideas in this title:

1. Before they build a #metaphysical #system, #philosophers must assess the origin and #nature of our minds’ #mental materials.

2. To avoid the #danger of metaphysical #dogmatism, philosophers must conduct a #critique of #pure reason.

3. By failing to avoid the danger of dogmatism, philosophy encourages the spread of #skepticism.

4. Both #religion and #science depend on metaphysical concepts, making skepticism a danger to both of them.

5. If reason cannot provide us with a priori #knowledge, then it cannot secure our knowledge of #mathematics either.

6. A priori knowledge isn’t innate knowledge; it’s knowledge that the mind produces through its own #internal mechanisms.

7. The #mind can be divided into three main faculties – #sensibility, #understanding, and #reason.

8. To organize sense #data into #meaningful #information, the mind needs predefined ways of structuring them.

9. #Time and #space are pure forms of #sensibility, which provide the mind with templates for organizing #sense data.

10. Our minds also contain templates for understanding and reasoning about the #world.

11. The mind can use its templates to acquire a priori knowledge and #concepts.

12. As far as we can know, the categories of understanding only reflect our experience of #reality, not reality in itself.

13. We cannot know anything about reality in itself – even whether it exists in space and time.

14. Reason should not #venture into metaphysical #speculation about the nature of reality in itself.

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Thanks for the video.Based on it I am tending to thinking towards about the Inherent frameworks in the mind to understand the sensations did they come to be ? The sensations themselves helped to create such frameworks in the mind . So the frameworks we have isnt independent of the reality. Infact the present understanding of reality forms more framewroks in an evolving organism and gives rise to newer priori.
