See Jack Smith’s full statement on Trump’s indictment

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He said what he needed to said, nothing more, nothing less. What a legend.


Thank you Mr. Smith for restoring our faith in the American justice system!!!!


This guy is: “just another snake in the dirty water.”…


Thank you great sir, for doing what’s right! You give Americans hope again!


Lol talk to Hillary. Talk to Biden. They are above the law. "read the full indictment" I keep hearing. What I don't hear is any talk about the Presidential records act or the Clinton's sock drawer case. Both have ramifications on this case.


Justice is slow and methodically slow and painfully just. No man is above the law.


Ok so if the rule of law is the same for everyone when is it Joe Biden n crooked Hilarys turn? Please let us know . We will see if this applies to all.


" Jack of Diamonds he a gambling man. He playn d table whenever he can. Take some advice boy. Stay clean, stay outta his way "


The counteroffensive was drowned in the blood of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Why Zelensky needed to throw people and equipment for slaughter for the fourth time, I don’t understand.
Everyone is talking about the burning Leopards and M2A2 Bradley tanks. By the way, the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine call the Bradley BMP - a coffin on wheels or a matchbox, because the survival rate of the crew is 25% from a quick fire and the release of acrid smoke, the impossibility of field repairs, equipment not for combat but for an exhibition. But now it is clear why the United States did not want to transfer its legendary M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, and they deftly framed Germany with their leopard tanks. Also, Great Britain insisted that they not send their Challenger 2 to the attack (there is information that they agreed to sell one unit to Russia, leaving it in position).
Also in this suicidal counteroffensive, the overrated
- HMMWV - Humvee (according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, worse than the Soviet UAZ)
- MRAP International MaxxPro (high fuel consumption, frequent breakdowns and fires)
- FV4333 Stormer
- APC "M 113" (easily penetrated often breaks)
- FMTV (sharpens on slightly damp ground, high fuel consumption).
But these are still flowers, remember the transfer to Ukraine of the MIM-104 Patriot. So, one of the two was destroyed, and the second was damaged, all the ammunition was spent on trying to shoot down Russian missiles, there are many videos on the net of how in Kiev they fall on passing civilian vehicles and residential buildings instead of hitting air targets. There have been attempts to shoot down drones of the Geranium type, and they cannot even shoot down.
The UAVs that the US donated to Ukraine are the Boeing Insitu ScanEagle, Switchblade, and Phoenix Ghost. Russia intercepts 99%, some planted in good condition.
We can say that all the equipment supplied from the United States for Ukraine became just scrap metal, and all its advantages were just a myth that dispelled on the battlefield.
Yes, I forgot about - M142 HIMARS and its European counterparts, at first caused problems, especially using Starlink, the efficiency was great, by the way, it was used to cause damage to the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station in the fall, the accuracy was at the height of the hits, spillway locks on platinum were damaged. But at the moment, most HIMARS missiles are intercepted and the launch sites are easy to calculate, for this reason the frequency of their use has decreased, and the Armed Forces often change launch sites and immediately after launch they try to move away from the launch site as much as possible.
This is why the US is afraid to hand over M1 Abrams and F16s to Ukraine. After all, the whole world will understand that US technology is too overhyped and most of the price is a way of money laundering (corruption in a word).!


لقد حصل ما حذرتكم منه بقوه وصدق ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ من انتقام السماء والرب منكم اذا استمريتم فى الغرور والخبث والظلم الأسود اذا ظننم انكم أذكى من رب السماء واذكى منه ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟? اذا ظللتم تساعدون شياطين الحكام المتاسلمين وليسوا بمسلمين فى الشرق الاوسخ نقصد الأوسط وأكثرهم قتل وظلم وهتك وذبح للفقراء والمستضعفين منهم داخل سجون القتل والسفاح الدولى الظالم الديكتاتور الفاشى الانقلابى العسكرى الغادر عبد الفتاح السيسى ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ وهاهى البدايه الجاده وسيقبها الام وجحيم يوم القيامه عليكم ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ بذلك الهواء القاتل الملوث على ١٣ ولايه امريكيه عندكم جراء الهواء الكبير الملوث للنار الذى حدثت فى مدينة كندا جواركم ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ خلصوا فقراء ومعتقلين الرأى السياسى والمسلمين الصادقين منهم داخل سجون ومعتقلات الشيطان المنافق الكذوب القاتل عبد الشيطان السيسى ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ والله ينتظر منكم العدل والرحمه والمساواة؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ . سفير حقوق منظمة العفو الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية & القارة الاستراليه


🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳no one should skate away from our constitutional laws of this country…😉👍🏼😏💙🇺🇸


I heard he kept them in a email server at his home😢!!


What about Biden smith must have got money from biden


I agree with Mr Smith what gives anyone the right to jeopardize the citizens of this. Country and jeopardize this country Trump isn't getting that


So sad. Trying to be famous by making selective prosecution


This guy should have his law license revoked for fraud


And Joe can safely skate away with his corvette full of docs...
