‘I don’t accept Anthony’s accusation’: PM denies ad makes fun of Albanese’s name

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Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he “doesn’t accept” Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese’s “accusation” that a Liberal election campaign advertisement was making fun of his Italian surname.

Mr Albanese slammed the rhyme while addressing members of the Italian community at Sydney’s Club Marconi in the seat of Fowler on Wednesday evening, likening it to schoolyard taunts.

“I mean, at the last election, we had a campaign that said, ‘the Bill you can't afford with Labor’,” Mr Morrison said during a media conference on Thursday in Tasmania.

“In politics, if you can't stump up, he's quite happy to dish out criticism and abuse of me, as he has done over the last three years, I'm big enough to take that.”

The ad moto should have been “ Labor is more sleazy, under Alboneze” .


A failed mandate policy that has served no purpose other than discriminate against hardworking, every day citizens. An embarrassment, both. I can’t see how governments can claim to be sovereign when they give up their sovereignty to an un-elected body. Shows nothing but contempt and disdain for the Citizen's basic rights. Attacks the citizen’s right to employment and the organisations’ right to hire whomsoever they want, through qualification and merit, not jab. A jab has never been and never will be a qualification, save in the mind of a crazed power-drunk Pollie. Interferes with the time-honoured relationship; Willing employer willing employee. The holy grail that holds us together as a society. Knock em last.


Anthony albanese is the biggest hypocrite. He makes fun of Zed Seselija name on the radio, making reference to pulp fiction, he made fun of the libs and called then names at the labor launch in perth, he has made a false tv ad about scott Morrison and the " thats not my job" ad and now he is having a cry.


Every single words abusing for Labor 🤷‍♀️🙄🤔😳


'Backflip Morrison" Better ring to it.


He did it first! Nice 5 year old answer.


Poor poo Albo his biggest problem come walk a mile in the peoples shoes you living of the tax payers most of your life.


Each Way Albo, Elbow Chinese, Elmer Fudd Albo and Albochinese. I thought they bred em tough in South Sydney 😄😄😄😄


In the meantime, we are sitting at home having lost our jobs for no reason other than forceful vaccination of a drug that has been developed using a process that raises both ethical, moral and religious consciences. We have been forgotten and treated like dirt with zero rights. No income with mortgage and bills to pay, and kicked out of employment. Cannot travel out of the country to secure employment elsewhere and cannot work in the country either. Meanwhile, Businesses have stalled, hurting with labour shortages and empty food shelves for lack of workers, amid soaring labour costs, which translates to inflation prices to everyone. Another own goal. Who makes these silly, thoughtless, unscrutinised policies with bad economic impact?


Xi, Putin and Kim will drive albanese to tears 😭. Precious woke little polli


Right, so Labor can say Scotty from marketing and slomo every five minutes, but the second an ad says Albanese it's "racist" typical Labor and their double standards.


Hawaiian Scott certainly took advantage of his mean girls campaign....


Trust issues began when constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms were attacked with impunity and people lost their jobs left right and centre and treated like 2nd class citizens in their own country by their own government with zero rights, no income and bills to pay all because of their conscience. Abuse of human rights continues, has not been addressed and ignored. Meanwhile business continue to go into liquidation under the staggering weight of labour shortages, industrial unrest, and out of control runaway inflation. anything they say any promise made, meaningless and worthless. Rights and freedoms guaranteed under the constitution and the universal charter cannot be taken for granted this casually. Tyranny must never thrive.


I think Albo has offended every Italian that actually was ridiculed for their Italian names. His surname doesn't look Italian and he was born Anthony, not Antonio. I actually have an Italian heritage and was stirred for my name and my salami and tomato sandwiches that I had at school which today is called a gourmet sandwich.


Lol... this is what sky news is trying to feed its viewers.


Morrison can’t deal with questions from ABCNEWS


Albo states its time for change. Please Albo stop the whinging and whining, thats a good change. You want my vote inspire me with what you will do. Whinging and whining doesnt cut it.


Some of you people really need to wake and smell the coffee and stop acting like school kids.


I was speaking with Jenny last night, and she was really worried that I’d be in deep shit when Prime Minister Albanese gets his ICAC up and running.


Lol Morrison's s racist no doubt about it. " can't have a Lebanese minister in the liberal party" was his comment.
