Recovery After A Shoulder Replacement

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So for shoulder replacement and what that looks like afterwards, a lot of times what we do with patients is we will have them go home the same day. We have great pathways to help relieve pain over the first 24 hours with our anesthesia colleagues and amongst the medications we use, and we start physical therapy right away. But for the most part, after those two weeks, we're using the arm for normal everyday activities. We're really progressing that range of motion, we're working with our physical therapist or for some folks that aren't able to get to a physical therapist, they are coming to them or we're setting up a home program. The pain of the arthritis and what you are suffering from initially, that's gone from day one. You have a surgical pain, but most of my patients tell me, you know, it is tolerable. They know it's a track to recovery and they can deal with that because the toothache of the shoulder that constant pain that's gone and it's changed.

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