Snarky Thought of the Day #263, Relationship Hypocrisy

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Dating, marriage, relationships... men and women.

(Dog and cats, living together... mass hysteria!)

Are there hypocrisies in the dating world? Maybe. Probably. Yes. But who sets what boundaries, and why?

In this less-than-sixty-second video, one man (me) will examine the male/female dynamic, and why women say one thing, while doing another.

Is it funny?


Is it honest?


Is it factual?

Could be.

Is it all nonsense?


But however you slice it, there is a discrepancy between what women think when it comes to cougars dating younger men, and older men who marry trophy wives.

Comedian nathan timmel (hey, that's me) examines this disconnect (dare I say, hypocrisy?) in depth.

Or, if not that, he (I) at least makes a dumb joke about things.

A joke that, though a joke (and a truth) will probably ruffle some feathers.

Because everything offends something these days.

#humor #funny #comedy #insightful
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Cause it doesn't matter how mature you are. If you're young, you lack experience in life and in relationships. And it's very disgusting for a man to want that. That means he wants someone that he can manipulate.


Bruh, the reason people react poorly to huge age gaps in relationships is because it usually comes with a huge power gap too.


At 32 a nurse I married a 50 yr old man that broke his neck at CAL. No ins no money. We had 26 great years together our humor was the same. We laughed a lot in poverty. I worked off and 😅on due to physical restraints that happened about 10 years after marriage. 🎉rheumatoid arthritis yet I cared for him through it all


I think the 60 year old was marrying his maturity level when he married a 22 year old.


The reason young women say “ eww “ is because they’re thinking of how they would feel going down on that old guy. 😂


I have a rule of thumb when it comes to wide age gaps. As long as both parties are 25 or above, go right ahead. Why 25? Because the brain is fully developed by then and you are more likely to avoid DiCaprios after that age.


You never fail to Crack me up boss 😂 that bond maturity is so important when searching for a soul mate 👌


As i have the "been there done that" certificate, you are actually pretty on point that choosing an older guy is often about finding someone you can actually have an interesting conversation with.


I work as a nurse, I always wanted to help people. At 50 I wish sugar baby was openly discussed as a career option.😂


money money money
money money money
MONEY makes the world go round
that clinking clanking sound …

We say gross because it’s gross. Sure there’s a few older hot guys…but often older guys are unkempt and actually physically dirty. They have sicko fantasies sometimes …


Mr.Nathan, That's Not Quiet Accurate, Here's Why, .
No.1.You Have Types of Individuals, , Caucasian, Afro-american, Native American Indian, Latino, Oriental, Asian, Middle Eastern, African &European, Developed Countries Have More Opportunity To Have A Better Education, Society, , That Allow Both Genders to Mature, BUT You Also Have Individuals That, Are Caterered To (Meaning If They Crack a Nail, , It's A Tragity & it's Someone's Else's Fault Lack of Taking Responsibility)Now Less Developed Countries, Which Consist of Famers, Machinest, Manufacturer, But Below Average Educated, (These Individuals are Self Taught, Trial &Error, That Reveals More of A Mature Mind, That Relationships Last.


OMG, I wasn't expecting that honesty in your last sentence. But, that's probably true. As always 😂 LOL! Wisdom at 22? I don't think so!


There are some cases when people are just matching their maturity level and others where there is possible manipulation and power differences but unless some one is asking for help, I just mind my own business. As long as they're consenting adults who tf cares 😅


Talking about being mature while wearing that T-shirt is some serious next level shit …. Love it


I looove your shirt hell yeah so glad to see a straight male wear stitch I’ve always been self conscious


Another way to look at it: a 60 year old is marrying a person whose brain isn't fully mature yet. Yeah, that's gross. At least wait until she's 30.
This is a hot take I respectfully disagree with you on.


What's the definition of a practical nurse?

One that marries a old cancer patient.


Its taking a hot minute to understand the snarky take here 😭😭😭 I think it means when old women marry young men people don't say ew gross? I'm quite unsure 😅


People insisting that "girls mature faster than boys" and that "women are more mature than men" are just pushing the same misogyny that makes that 60 year old man think it's okay to go after a 22 year old. (Which, yeah, is pretty creepy.)

Some women do say the first 2 things - but that's internalized misogyny. Women are expected to be more mature in many situations, be seen as mothers, care for their children, their husbands, etc, etc. in many places and that's where this belief came from. Saying "Girls mature faster than boys" was also an excuse used to push more domestic labor on young girls, and excuse sexualizing them. "She's only 14, but she's mature so it's okay I find her attractive!"

What you pointed out is just a more benign way that sort of misogynistic thinking appears in daily life. There's loads of things like that just seem little, but actually have much deeper implications when you actually sit and think about them.


It's unfair competition for young maidens to steal prey from post wall gold diggers.
