CppCon 2015: Michael VanLoon “STL Algorithms in Action ”

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This will be an entertaining trip through the STL algorithms, where we will view many of them in their natural habitats, going about their natural algorithm business. Then we will take some of them out of their native environments and make them do tricks that are entirely unexpected. In the end, you will gain a new appreciation for what the algorithms are and how pervasively they can be used throughout your code.

I have been developing software for over 30 years. Yes, I started before I was born. I have been doing C++ for over 20 years, not very well at first, and slightly better now.

I work at F5 Networks, and have worked at Disney, VMware, Yahoo!, and Microsoft, among many others. I have benefited from a wide range of experience and personalities.

I have a personal grudge against code that does not strive to reach a high standard. I am dismayed at code that does not reach its potential. And I firmly believe that writing code well creates a better, more stable, more maintainable product.


That was surprisingly good. I really enjoyed the clever usages of <algorithm>, but I wonder about the efficiency of some of those compositions. The chain of sort/stable_sort he used for sorting by last/first/mid names is impressive, but it sounds inefficient to run sort three times instead of a single sort with a more complex comparator.


Great talk. Wish the background picture could be removed...


A small but important mistake on slide 91: set_difference requires that the original ranges are sorted (w.r.t. operator<, not the English meaning of the strings).
