Tall Black Figure is on EVADE

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Guys The tall Black figure is looking From The window at The start and later it teleported close to tree but idk how this happen but once i was in a public server but everyone left later and i didn't see any creature but maybe There was but i didn't see it i'm not sure But people in that server were leaving immediately what was weird...The video is sick as heck not Gonna lie i'm just thinking what if evade need help?😶


Tall black figure in evade:😀👻
Tall black figure in babft:👹💀


As a person who saw that black figure, I can confirm I turned inton 65 different fnaf characters under a minute


For ppl who don’t see it the second part is easy to see once he teleports (turn your brightness up all the way up ) once he starts walking straight for a while if YOU look straight on the screen there should be a tree right ahead look to the left of the tree and you should see it. Hope that helped


For the people who don't know

The tall black figure or also known as "EVADE YOUR DEATH" Is a entity that appears in evade private servers it is know to be a tall huge figure that runs very fast and attacks like a nextbot but once it kills you you can't respawn and you get the screen "YOU FAILED TO EVADE IT"
Edit : why are y'all acting dumb 💀 it's a creepy pasta like many other games. Don't be afraid


Bro teleported from the babft incident💀


Hell nah, my brother Jamal not gettin involved in this crazy ass shi bruh. 💀💀


bro is done frfr when I get an ak from randomiser


For the people thinking this is real, It's actually a player as the figure. When he finishes the stairs you can actually see a cut. That means the player traveled from that window to the other place where he met him again. He also loses speed at that moment, still it's kinda creepy. Hope this helps :)


playing evade but nothing is chasing you
*that can't be good...*


for people who didn’t understand: i didn’t understand too


he is everywhere no matter the game
private or not he will still be watching you
no matter what


A tall black guy?

That's just my friend, Jamal.


For those who do not see:
1. - Turn on the brightness to maximum and rewind the first frame.
2. - look at the blue car.
3. - look at the illuminated brick wall to the right of the car.
4. - look at the gray brick ledge above this wall.
5. - just above this ledge there is more elongated window with three white stripes.
6. - He's standing there.
(No need to look out for a big long creature, it's just a black standard roblox skin with a white face)
Then just look out for him in this window throughout the video.

Second appearance:
1. - rewind to the moment when the character has reached the end of the building (almost the very end) and the road is visible.
2. - It is located a little to the left of the tree at the other end of the road (the tree that is next to the end of the metal gray fence)


*man jamal be scaring the little kids*


Tall black figure lore: One day a group of hikers is hiking a mountain but it was starting to get dark hiker 1 said: we should go home hiker 2 said no were almost close to the top lets camp there! camper 3 says: yea sure make sure to be safe there's a flood we might slip! once they go up hiker 2 falled from a trap hiker 1 and 3 gets a rope too get hiker 2 up but when they're pushing a tall black figure pushed them in ---DAY 2--- They woked up wondering where they are and don't know each other bc the tall figure injected them with a forgetting needle they were putted in a tiny dessert happily enough they started to be friends once they are walking to find home there a scary looking creature a huge cat with a distorted face they ran as fast as they could do hiker 3 was hurted as they rushed to carry him they found a small house kinda smells they stayed there and putted bandages to hiker 3 once they got out the sand was able to fall in as they falled to the void where the tall black figure waits to terrorize them they saw the creature and the creature said you should be teaming become only one will get back safely...;) They didn't listen but the figure did not chased them he possesd hiker 1, hiker 1 randomly got a pocket knife in his hands as he murders hiker 3 hiker 2 tried saving him but it was too late the figure gave hiker 2 a gun and figure or possesd hiker 1 said: fight to the death with me mortal hiker 2 won getting out with only one arm

---THE END---


plot twist the fnaf video below it is more scarier than the video itself


I think it might be that one thing from the build a boat incident because it fits the same description...


Even with hints, I'm still blind. 💀


Context: the owner of the game added a entity called “Jamal” and when he chases you, you can’t escape from him 😮
