The Jedi Have Become Corrupt and All Powerful in the Acolyte

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The Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic are in their golden age. This means the Jedi Order has its knights and masters spread across the galaxy, maintaining peace. They've become more than a Force-sensitive organization; they've become the galaxy's premier security force. That makes them an easy target.

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I love how Allen is criticizing the elitist Jedi institution from his high rise coruscant apartment with stunning views of the Jedi temple


The Immediate OSHA Violation by a girl Named OSHA was my favorite Easter egg


In Legends as Luke Skywalker starts the process of rebuilding the Jedi Order, Mon Mothma pulls him aside and tells him to avoid the cloistered monastic model. She envisions Jedi taking up everyday jobs among the population - as teachers, nurses, security guards and gardeners. The implication is that Jedi separatism was a contributing factor to the Empire being able to purge them so easily.


"The problem is people that are trying to create a utopia or claim to have all the answers." Man... How true.


The Jedi are monks they shouldn't be used as the Republic's muscle.


Wow. Allen. I just to have to say man. I've been struggling with my mental health recently, and the way you said "i DONT CARE HOW STOIC YOU ARE PEOPLE NEEDS HUGS SO THEY DONT TURN BITTER AND HATEFUL." It was just what i needed to hear after today. Damn straight allen. Damn straight.


Dear Alan - I also have become a much more thoughtful. loving, giving, receiving, bombastic, fantastic, comma-and-hyphen-using person, through my viewing of Generation Tech. Love you Man.


What I appreciate here is that the shows is portraying the Jedi as people. Yes they have amazing abilities, yes they have strict codes and training and a lot of responsibility on their shoulders...but they're still people, and people are flawed. The Jedi Order as a whole is an attempt to maintain peace and balance and most if not all members try to do their best to do their part, but mistakes are inevitable. Rather than making us feel more cynical about the Jedi due to their hypocrisy, it helps us, or at least me, sympathize with them because they're just a little bit more relatable.


I thought Yoda was the Grand Master for like 200 years or something by the time of Order 66. His long term leadership contributed to the fall of the Jedi due to a stagnation in the Orders activities.


I agree, checks and balances are absolutely necessary in all walks of life. We see perfect examples of the consequences of NOT having them every single day... No, im not talking about politicians or corporations, I mean Dolphins and Angler Fish, we've let them get by with too much for too long.


they are the police in the galaxy, that's probably why the republic don't need a proper force. any one misbehaves, a jedi shuttle comes and they are taken to jedi prison as we see in the show.


Jord never actually mind-tricked the Nemoidian, he just extended his hand and let the Nemoidians’ inherent fearfulness and misunderstanding of the Jedi do its work. You can argue the ethics of that action, but he never exploited the Force.


My problem with Master Endara dying is that she died by a small knife, a small tool.... while some in the new star wars era get stabbed by freeking LIGHT SABERS and survive! She was a Master afterall!


I don’t think venestra roe is the grand master that would still be yoda during this time but she’s probably in the same position as mace windu later on as the master of the order


Fellow fan from NJ and "This is why we can't have nice things" should be our state motto.


Charlie Barnett should had a Merch store already set up for when he said little Ani blew up the death star. He could be making bank right now selling somehow Anikin blew up the death star t-shirts


First time I saw any StarWars was in 1980, watched every film and series as it has come out since, am pretty well versed in Legends, and you sir are the only person on this platform that I believe truly understands the mechanisms of the franchise. You are appreciated.


I'm a Boomer. I saw the first 3 films. Now those films have been edited, changed and prequels done. Even in the first 3 films, I could see something was amiss. Vader and the Dark Side didn't seem exactly like Yoda or Obi Wan claimed. Something told me that the Jedi had done SOMETHING and they now had a whirlwind of Karma - vengeance coming for them. Light side of the force isn't good, the Dark side isn't evil - it's HOW it's done, and why. But intolerance, when the Jedi decided they and they alone were right - yeah, trying to destroy all the Dark siders - that just made the Dark Siders into what the Jedi had claimed they were. They created their own monster and the Dark Siders seeking justice became the Jedi monsters they had fought. They both lost.


Hey, on Barnett misspeaking who destroyed the Death Star, Hayden's casting is very valid when you line up a picture of him next to a young Mark Hamill.


So how much is the rent on Coruscant? And I wonder if I can remote in to my job from there…
