Love the sharpening shorts. Wish these were available when I was learning to sharpen. Would have saved me sooo much time!
I use a strop with compound, and then a second one of clean leather without any compound. The edge gets unbelievably sharp after the clean strop. And most often that strop is enough by itself, if I reduce my burr enough on the stone.
I love your how to videos. That's why I subscribe!
Finally. Need to strip my first knife and it’s so a complicated. I just wanted to know what it does and this explains simply. Thank you
I prefer motor oil and compressed sand dust stone. It's so damn good if you can get ahold of a piece. Sands and polished at the same time. Does it quickly . I like to run over the leather to keep an edge once very sharp. So many right ways of doing it.
Very cool description. Thank you very much brother
@Neeves ..I sharpened my pocket knife 1 time it's DULL I have to go thru all the stones..or can I just hone it on ceramic? To get tht "paper towel" sliciness back?
Essentially a strop is the finest stage when you are sharpening but remember if you are putting on a new edge you want to start with a course grit when starting out like 200 or 300 grit then work up to much finer grits depending on hour sharp you want it if you want a strong working edge I'd say 2000 or 3000 grit but if you want a much finer razor edge I'd go to 8000 to 10, 000 grit then strop it for that final edge suede first then grain side then you'll be chopping and slicing in no time.
My grandfather was a wood carver who made all kinds of hand tools primarily for carving. He told me cutting paper dulls the knife. He also told me a real test for sharpness for many of his knives was cutting single ply cheap toilet tissue. Many of his tools were razor sharp. Shaving arm hair was way easy.
I use stones then finish with a leather honing strop. But I use them to sharpen my straight razors
The honing steel is for the bur and will straighten the edge to the same angle. 9/10 this is what your knife needs. Strop just fills in micro cracks to leave a polished edge, it's only necessary to make an edge very sharp but usually won't last long. Stop isn't necessary for most applications, including in the kitchen where you need a sharper knife than most.
video man. So many ppl need this. I recently figured this out myself! Haha! 👊
Did you ever tested the Titanium Swedge Knife manufactured by Camillus ? It looks strong but ...
What sort-of stopping compound?
I use a green stick from Porter Cable but that cream looks useful
I always just used the back of my belt no compound it might not be the best way but gets the job done
I didn’t know they had a compound on em cool
Highly recommend gunny juice shit is fucking amazing and lasts forever
What would cause stropping making the edge less sharp? Wrong angle? Thanks.
Sir I really like the video. Question though: I recently aquired a strop, but it really is a 2 ply leather strip. I noticed yours is on a block. Should I glue mine to a block to make it work really well. Mine was presented to me as a barber's strop and hangs on the wall from a grommet.