Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on Why Loneliness Is a Public Health Issue and What We Can Do About It

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We perceive it as lack of friends and that's false. You can have as many friends as humanly possible. Quality of the friendships is what determines the reality of it.


Growing up I was always taught strictly to be polite to other people - which is great. But learning how to be friendly - and to be a friend - is a much more important life skill. Best wishes to all! 🙂


So the problem that I have is that I reach out to others and they pull away or want to be alone also. We may have a few good conversations then I sense they want their distance. So I feel that this is an epidemic that has reached many people, pre and post pandemic. Too many have been in isolation for a while now. They work from home like I do, and have changed whether they realize it or not. They no longer know how to socialize or really don't want to socialize anymore because they've somehow found ways to be content and entertained by themselves. I myself am lonely and want to be out there but people have changed. All I can do is keep trying.


Great video, imo. Thank you for posting this content.


This is in my opinion the biggest problem we will encounter in the 21st century. Especially between classes of humans. The humans that have the most possessions in society are separated from those that have less. There's nothing wrong with that, but if it affects a person's perceptive appreciation of other humans then it is. It's a specific perception that drives all humanity apart. They talk about equity and equal outcomes what makes that impossible is the underlying psychology of humans. We need God. No other being can humble us or bring us together.


Had a dose of loneliness the other night which is rare but it sneak up on one!
