C9 vs TSM | Bjergsen - First Pentakill on LCS 2017 | Bjergsen Carry | All Kills | League of Legends

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Use code memes for an Extra 10% discount ($99+)! Juxtapositions and parallels are drawn between different clips to deliver the original narrative of the video in a transformative manner that falls under Fair Use and provides unique value to my viewers. Juxtaposition is an act or instance of placing two elements close together or side by side. This is often done in order to compare/contrast the two, to show similarities or differences, etc. A video qualifies as fair use if it juxtaposes source material in a new or unexpected way for the purposes of critique, commentary or education.
All kill moments of the matches between C9 (Cloud 9) and TSM (TeamSoloMid)
Hello there,
This video is about kill moments of C9 vs TSM. Bjergsen got the first pentakill of 2017. He carried his team. I hope you'll enjoy.
Includes:(TSM Bjergsen, TSM WildTurtle, TSM Hauntzer, TSM Svenskeren, TSM BioFrost and C9 Impact, C9 Contractz, C9 Jensen, C9 Sneaky, C9 Smoothie)
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Footage used in this video is protected by the Fair Use Law, section 107 used for commentary, criticism, news reporting or education for transformative use.
My channel is focused on giving the best and unique moments of your favorite players. I put a lot of effort into making these videos with a lot of unique edits and personality effects on my videos. I got permissions for the content that I use and I alter them for fair use purpose and it also falls under the "news reporting" flag which is also considered as fair use!
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Use code meme for an Extra 5% discount ($49+)!
Use code memes for an Extra 10% discount ($99+)! Juxtapositions and parallels are drawn between different clips to deliver the original narrative of the video in a transformative manner that falls under Fair Use and provides unique value to my viewers. Juxtaposition is an act or instance of placing two elements close together or side by side. This is often done in order to compare/contrast the two, to show similarities or differences, etc. A video qualifies as fair use if it juxtaposes source material in a new or unexpected way for the purposes of critique, commentary or education.
All kill moments of the matches between C9 (Cloud 9) and TSM (TeamSoloMid)
Hello there,
This video is about kill moments of C9 vs TSM. Bjergsen got the first pentakill of 2017. He carried his team. I hope you'll enjoy.
Includes:(TSM Bjergsen, TSM WildTurtle, TSM Hauntzer, TSM Svenskeren, TSM BioFrost and C9 Impact, C9 Contractz, C9 Jensen, C9 Sneaky, C9 Smoothie)
If you did please subscribe to my channel and smash that like button =)
Thank you guys A LOT!!!
Footage used in this video is protected by the Fair Use Law, section 107 used for commentary, criticism, news reporting or education for transformative use.
My channel is focused on giving the best and unique moments of your favorite players. I put a lot of effort into making these videos with a lot of unique edits and personality effects on my videos. I got permissions for the content that I use and I alter them for fair use purpose and it also falls under the "news reporting" flag which is also considered as fair use!