UNDERCURRENT vs FORBEARANCE: Which is Best? (Destiny 2)

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What's the Best Wave Frame Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2 PvP? Let's look at 2 of the best, including one NEWCOMER! The Undercurrent, and of course FORBEARANCE! What are the God Rolls, and which is best?
Shoutout to the LONG-BARREL Patreons, of which there is only TWO: MELANIE & CHRIS!!!




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I think people often forget why Forberance is so good, not only it's an ad clear monster, but the fact you get huge chunks of life back due to the origin trait is what makes this gun so good for me.


I always assumed it’s supposed to be a “forbearance at home” weapon for players who aren’t ready to do the raid or don’t own it


I'll probably end up using both depending on the modifiers for what im running. Demo voltshot is nice for grenade regen, and it can also stun overloads. Plus jolt chains farther than chain reaction. It's more of a side grade to forbearance


The destiny community arguing? don't believe it.


Tip to get forbearance without running the raid multiple times. If you get forbearance to drop once in your collection, you can solo the first secret chest in vow raid 3 times a week for red borders and get a good roll that way.


i love that no one even mentions souldrinker pretty much full healing you every time you reload


The roll I want is not ambitious voltshot, it’s demo voltshot, this roll is heavily leaning into arc subclass synergy and is my go to now, if I’m on arc or my subclass can use the help of demo. Demo is the main selling point for me here, since it’s the first energy wave frame since matyrs retribution to roll demo. Forbearance is still great and I will keep it using for anything else (i got 30k kills on mine)


one imortant note about ambitious/voltshot is that the two perks do not synergize as well as demo/voltshot. Because only the first shot from your weapon applies jolt then only half of your shots from undercurrent will be applying jolt with ambitious assassin. With demo on the other hand you will be able to apply jolt to enemies more often than if you ran ambitious


I feel the origin trait difference is also very worth bringing up. The vow origin trait is incredible even more so with Ambitious and Chain reaction (more hits, more heals)

Undercurrent does give 7 health per kill, which isn't too bad with how it'll slay, but forbearance still takes the cake.


Voltshot has more utility against beefier targets and in GM-level content, whereas Forbearance is much less potent in those scenarios. You can stun Overloads, apply jolt to a major or boss that will pulse lightning as more damage is done. I feel like that's the difference in the rolls here, plus having Demo as an option to keep your grenade uptime high.


I think Demo Voltshot will fit a different roll then what forbearance does. And Im absolutely going to try and get one.


the correct answer is explosive personality, because while being a worse wave frame it is solar which means I get resto/ radiant extension on it while normally benefiting from my surges.


I got a 5/5 god roll adept on my first GM clear today.
But it's probably going to sit in my vault and collect dust, because I still feel like crafted forbearance is better.
Like you said, people who have access to forbearance are most likely to just keep using it, while non-raiders now have access to a waveframe that's almost just as good as forbearance.


The biggest barrier to most people raiding isn't lfg - it's time and the ability to use a mic.

I raided at least three times a week in D1, exclusively using LFG sites in the early days, and I had really great experiences for the most part. But now I largely play late at night when the family are in bed, so hopping on a mic just isn't an option. However, I can easily quickly find a couple of people to silently run GMs with for a couple of hours and not wake up the kids.

I'm really glad Bungie has implemented things to make it easier for people to find raid teams, and if you're nervous about playing with randoms online I honestly encourage you to give it a try. Despite the raging arguments you see on social media, most people are decent and supportive and arent going to rip you to shreds for missing a call out or having a trash build.

But for those of us for whom real life gets in the way, I'm glad we can farm GMs instead.


The voltshot demo could be really good for arc builds cause it's constant grenade regen plus jolt which gives ionic traces which is even more regen. On anything else, I'd say forbearance but imma be farming this GL for my arc boys.


IF you know how to get to the first secret chest in Vow, you don't actually have to raid since that's just a weekly chest you can easily get every week per character that does drop it. It's not a big deal. I only did Vow maybe a handful of times but never got a forbearance until I started farming the first secret chest for weeks.


I think both have their uses. I’ll personally use an unrelenting/chain reaction Forbearance for most higher level content and a Demo/Voltshot Undercurrent for stomping things like lost sectors, vanguard ops, low level trash clear, and soft speed running with strand grapple. These are the kind of decisions that weapon crafting SHOULD be making you think about. I don’t think any other archetype with a similar crafted counterpart has been this close as far as which is “better”, and that is a good thing. I hope closer “crafted vs farmed” archetype options like these come out in the future.


Leathal Current with envious assassin and destabilising is my favourite with 4 in the mag at times it blows up everything, but it never gets a mention


Voltshot and stats for all is my go to, both perks work well together to speed up those reloads.


I enjoy undercurrent so much more but im an arc warlock main so that probably explains it
