Wake Up Full of Energy - (10 Hour) Rain Sound - Sleep Subliminal - By Minds in Unison

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This is a subliminal recording and should not be listened to while driving or operating machinery. Headphones are not needed for this recording.

The affirmation/messages for this recording have been embedded into a ten-hour relaxing soundscape of gentle falling rain. The peaceful sounds of rain will help you to drift off into another world. The raining remains at a calm and consistent tempo throughout the entire recording, allowing for a tranquil, undisturbed experience. Although this recording was designed to be listened to whilst sleeping, you can also listen while awake.


Q. Can I only listen whilst asleep?

A. You can listen to this recording whilst asleep or awake, both methods are effective.

Q. Do I need headphones to listen to this recording?

A. No, you do not need headphones. The messages have been embedded in a variety of ways, ensuring they can be absorbed either with or without headphones.

Q. Do I need to watch the screen?

A. No, you don’t need to watch the screen. The messages are only embedded in the audio recording, so you just need to listen.

Q. Why can't I hear any talking?

A. This is a subliminal recording, which means the affirmation messages are hidden within the audio.

Q. How do subliminal messages work?

A. Compared to regular audio, the subliminal affirmation messages are recorded at many different frequencies and volumes, therefore you will be unable to hear the messages consciously. Because you are unable to hear the messages consciously, they bypass the part of your mind that analyses information, thus enabling the messages to go directly to your subconscious mind, allowing them to be absorbed as a factual new reality.

Q. At what volume should I play the recording?

A. At whatever volume you find most comfortable.

Q. What do the messages in this recording say?

A. Here is a list of all the affirmations/messages in this recording.

Each night I have a refreshing sleep

I am safe and protected while I sleep

When I sleep, I re-energise

I enjoy sleeping

I let go of any tension

When I wake up, I will be full of energy

When I wake up, I will feel amazing

I let myself sleep and re-charge

I deserve to have a good sleep

My bed is warm and comfortable

Each morning I have the motivation to wake up straight away

I will sleep until it’s time to wake up

When it’s time to wake up I will be ready

My muscles are relaxed and rested

I am sleeping deeply

When I wake up, I will feel alive

When I wake up, I will be ready for anything

My energy levels stay strong throughout the day

When I wake up each morning, I am focused and alert

I am strong, I am powerful

When I wake up, my mind is clear

I am drifting into an amazing deep sleep

I feel good

I feel happy

When I wake up my energy levels remain high all day

I allow myself to relax and feel good

I stay sound asleep until it’s time to wake up

When I wake up, I will be filled with happiness

When I wake up, I will be filled with motivation

I am in control of my sleeping pattern

I am able to sleep easily

I let go of any worries, and let myself rest

The moment I open my eyes each morning, I feel wide-awake

The moment I open my eyes each morning, I feel amazing

The moment I open my eyes each morning, I feel full of energy

The moment I open my eyes each morning, I am ready for the day

I can let go of everyday thoughts and fall asleep

When I wake up each morning, my brain is fully alert

When I wake up each morning, I am full of energy and enthusiasm

I am aware of how powerful my mind is

When I wake up in the morning, I will be full of happiness

When I wake up in the morning, I will feel wide-awake

When I wake up in the morning, I will feel great

When I wake up in the morning, I will feel amazing

When I wake up in the morning, I will be full of energy

(((((All of the above are repeated throughout the recording)))))

Thank you for listening, for a full range of subliminal, binaural beats and hypnosis recordings please subscribe.

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This recording actually works. I would have bet good money that it wouldn't. Well, it works on me. A nice surprise to sleep well and wake up refreshed. Seriously. I still find it hard to believe. Thank you for this. And thank you for disclosing the affirmations.


Every time I go to bed late and have to get up early, I listen to this video while I sleep. Every morning I wake up rested! Thank you!


Let me tell you, this absolutely works. I woke up refreshed, so energized worked out. I danced all around my house and in the shower and later jumped on my trampoline. I feel so vitalized. I love this channel and I recommend it to everyone and anyone! Please make one for night eating. I don’t know if it’s the melatonin that’s making me hungry or just a spike in blood sugar? Be a gem and help us night eaters quit.


I'm going to be getting 4 hours of sleep so here goes. Hope this works. I've got an interview tomorrow.


Out of all the subliminal videos you have, this one works the strongest with me. I originally found you looking for relief from 20 years worth of chronic pain. I use your videos to get some sleep and possibly improve my tomorrow. Thank you. Please keep making these!


This one definitely works! I went to bed late last night and had to get up early for work. I woke up two hours before the alarm. Went back to sleep to wake up a minute before the alarm.


Okay no joke this is the fastest working subliminal I have ever used!!! I listen over night while I was asleep and I had so much energy today I was actually crazy! I was so hyper and being silly around my friends, I was so happy and would definitely recommend!!


Wow. I listened to this for the first time last night and this morning I feel amazingly energetic and happy and motivated. I have little kids that wake up early and normally I’m sluggish in the morning and in a bad mood, and can’t be bothered with house work, or life really. I also had gasto yesterday. I usually have trouble sleeping and wake up a lot through the night, even if go to bed early i end up having hours of wakefulness. I haven’t slept so well as I did last night in longer than I can remember. I slept for almost 9h, lucky the kids didn’t wake me! I’ve got into listening to other similar tracks which were ok, but I don’t know if this was just a fluke but I really feel alive today! I’ll try this every night for a while and see if it’s consistent. I’ll comment again if I continue to feel like this


Amazing! I woke up after 5 hours of sleep feeling bright eyed and beautiful.


_Im tuned in._ TᕼᗩᑎK YOᑌ💓.
*Listened last night for 60 minutes. Slept for 6 hours. Woke up at 5 am feeling fresh! Now listening to Lakewood Church* _live._


Gosh, thank you Thomas! I haven't felt energy for the past two days (I lose too much fluid during PMS and my iron level gets low; and it also makes me emotional and my nerves are shot from vibrating)! This made me feel refreshed and "normal" when I woke up. I could just imagine how good I would feel listening to it without being on my menstrual cycle (because yesterday just sucked, and people were asking me why I was so tired in the early afternoon, despite getting sleep), so this was a life saver (plus I had an awesome dream that I bought my great aunt's old house from my childhood; what a happy dream that was. I always wanted a yard!).


I've been using this app for about 2+ weeks, I'm falling asleep fast. I have high anxiety and really bad panic attacks! This helps relive the symptoms, where I can actually fall asleep and stay asleep! I recommend giving it a try for at least one week.


My god, I am a huge skeptic but after having on in the background last night, just realized I am up three hours early and got a bunch done already!


Honestly, this is the only one that actually worked for me a little in years of trying to find a good one. And i tried alot of them, even from his channel.
I just woke up feeling a little less exhausted than usual!


One of my go tos. I work as an au pair in Germany and some nights I am going to bed at 3am. Yet, I am always surprised when I wake up 10 minutes before my alarm, of energy ready to hop out of bed. Thanks a lot, Thomas!


This actually work. Yesterday I was so hyped up. And it was the Superbowl so I was really hyped up. OMG this really work. I need this to give me energy.. not a drink. I would recommend this to anyone wit little to no energy in there body


These have really helped me wake up a better person. I got a new job! Thank you


This has been the answer to my prayers, so thank you for sharing this with us. I suffer with multiple sclerosis and fatigue has been a big issue. I live in Scotland but we are having a really hot weather so more fatigued than normal. Used your brain subliminal message about pain which worked and tried this one. Omg it has changed my life. Even if I have slept for 1 hour or 12 hours I still feel as if l have not slept at all. After one session of this I felt alive, not as groggy. Even felt like drawing and doing crafts which I've not done for months. It's not a cure but it helps me. Thank you, love and light xx


Thanks for making this one. I tried it, and this morning I feel much more alert than I usually do when first waking up.


I tried this for the first time a few nights ago, and I woke up the next morning feeling energized & refreshed. I’ve been listening ever since. I enjoy sounds & subliminals like these.
