How to level up from 1-50 in The Elder Scrolls Online EFFICIENTLY! | NO POWER LEVELING!

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This guide is to help NEW and existing players find out how to level up from 1-50 EFFICIENTLY in The Elder Scrolls Online, without the inevitable backtracking people waste so much time doing after they realize power levelling got them NO where fast.

Power levelling in ESO is of course very popular, but it has a lot of false hope hidden behind it. You waste a lot of time and resources in order to fast track levelling while spending countless pennies changing gear every 5-10 levels for that apparent "faster levelling" experience, ONLY to have to go all the way through the game again ANYWAY, because of the amount of skill points you missed on the way! Inevitably making your "3-4 hour power levelling session" actually more like a few days!

People get to 50 fast, then start joining VETERAN queues for dungeons hoping to get those achievements and loots while performing badly because they learnt nothing along the way and don't have the skill points they need to get even HALF of their passives they intended to aim for, let alone morph anything they have.

Everyone learns at their own pace and that is OK, the community is extremely helpful to new players, but the one thing that will NEVER help a new player, is rushing the learning experience.

The Elder Scrolls Online is an extremely UNIQUE mmorpg and should be approached like any NEW game you have no idea about. Load it up, start playing, and try to understand it as you go in your own time. You don't already know everything about it just because you played an mmorpg before. The only thing you have experience in is "oooOO there are a lot of people here!". It's a start but it is not enough ;) .

NEW power levelling players, while trying to pursue that false endeavour, forget or misunderstand that the levelling process is where you gain most of your experience and ability to perform, where the content is most forgiving, AND where most of the skill points to BUILD your character generally come from. Learning mechanics you will encounter, understanding how the basics work, and getting those skill points under your belt make all the difference to the character you are creating. Your character creation is not done in the character creation screen, it is done between the levels 1-50!

There is no short cut for learning, only resources to learn from. But being PREPARED will help with your learning experience a lot!

In this guide i teach you everything you need to know about the basics of preparing a new character/player with a WIN WIN strategy for leveling both efficiently AND at a steady pace, so little work what so ever is required once you do get to that magical level 50 and/or 160cp!

Your first few mins or so of building your character is what will save time LATER, and make you a better player TODAY!


Time stamps: -

00:00 Intro
00:17 Tutorial Complete, what now?
01:21 Attributes and early dos n don'ts!
03:05 Leveling up Skill Lines/Skills
04:07 Unlock Weapon skills
05:45 Important skill lines you MUST get early on
07:49 Important Combat Options Setup!
09:24 Guild Skill Line Locations
10:20 Unlocking The Mages guild
11:14 Unlocking The Fighters Guild
12:16 Unlocking Undaunted
13:35 Unlocking Amour skill lines and easy early gear!
16:31 What to do until level 10
18:33 What to do AFTER level 10!
19:56 Dungeon Finder UNLOCKED!
21:00 Why should i go to Cyrodiil at level 10?
22:00 How do i leave Cyrodiil?
22:25 Unlocking Assault and Support Skill Lines
23:10 How to GUARANTEE leveling of PVP skill lines
25:35 Gear advice for NEW and EXISTING players!
27:45 Leveling Via The Dungeon Finder, How & Why!
29:40 You CAN physically travel to ANY Dungeon at ANY level!
30:25 Undaunted Pledges!?
31:32 Level 50 Changes everything! Or does it?
32:08 Tips and information on PRE 160 champion points
35:32 What to do at 160 Champion points?
37:13 Recap - Leveling Strategy!

Important links: -

Outro music -
Song: Unknown Brain - MATAFAKA (feat. Marvin Divine) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.


Great information. Side note on the opening pvp quest. If you follow the quest all the way through you'll end up at Assault and Support level 3. This opens the "Continuous Attack" passive in Assault. That one point spent will make travelling for any new player MUCH better.


I am so glad you mentioned the “you won’t know you have taunt” thing. I ran a dungeon and someone obviously was using a “new to them” build and had taunt without knowing. It made tanking for me really hard. Guess what he said “this tank doesn’t know how to taunt.” All 3 of us asked him why he was taunting the enemies away from me. After explaining to him, he said sorry every 2 minutes through the rest of the dungeon. Was a vet dungeon


Finally a beginner guide that actually speaks to the beginning.


At level 10, it's better to hit up the random dungeon finder right away before you do Cyrodil. The reason is because your first quest from the Undaunted is to do fungal grotto. If you do "random normal dunegon" for the XP boost, you should get Fungal Grotto if you do it at level 10. If you level past 10, you will start unlocking different dungeons that will be added into the pool. Then you might not get Fungal Grotto from a random, and you'll end up having to queue it manually to complete the quest, making you miss out on the bonus xp reward. Do random dungeon finder at level 10, and you'll complete 3 objectives at once. Random dungeon, Undaunted Quest, and the quest within Fungal Grotto itself. Depending on XP modifiers from scrolls/events, you can gain 3 - 8 level ups from one dungeon completion. Then you can go to Cyrodil after.


This is one of the best videos ive seen. Honestly thank you for making this. I wanted to get into eso a long time ago and kept giving up bc i had no idea where to start. using this guide i have been having more fun than ever. Thank you


Great guide. No telling it so new players haven't got a clue and not showing of because of how far you've came. Great beginner guide.


You are so awesome for making this video! I reached level 25 with a character I was somewhat happy with but his class and weapons weren't quite working and I was unhappy with the slow level-up pacing. After starting a new character with more focused stats and a better plan (thanks to you)...I'm more optimistic with the progression this time around. THANK YOU!


Couple tips I like to do with new characters.
1. Go to Summerset early on, and unlock psijic portals. You might need to play through a couple of the main quests there to do it but it doesn't take long. Once you've unlocked them you'll be able to see them everywhere in the world when you are questing in other areas. They are basically treasure chests with really good loot and pretty rare. Always nice to stumble across one when questing or doing whatever.
2. If you want to craft, unlock the daily writs and deconstruct all gear you aren't using. Sell anything with the ornate trait but deconstruct everything else for materials and crafting xp.
3. Like he said in the video, keep at least one skill from each of your class trees on your skill bar to keep leveling them up. When you unlock your secondary weapon (level 15), put one skill from each weapon skill on the back bar and equip any weapon you want. Whenever you go to turn in a quest switch over to your back bar first so you can level up all your weapon skills. really useful to have them all leveled in case you want to try a different build later on.


Extremely big thank you for all your videos "All About Mechanics". Done with them all dungeons on vet some with HM.


You can unlock all the weapon and armor skill lines in the tutorial area without running the risk of getting caught by a merchant. Also spend a little extra time looting all the urns in the tutorial zone for the lock picks and some junky bits you can later sell for gold.


Thank you so much . I'm trying to get friends to play ESO but it's such a dauting task for new players and having to explain all this is too much for one person. This will make it so much easier for them to use when they need it


Please note that DC and EP cannot join the fighters guild in AD. They need to do it in their alliance town. DC is Davons Watch, and EP is Mournhold. All alliances can join fighters guild in neutral cities like Rimmen, Leyawiin, Solitude, etc.


When I level a new character I do the main quest line and all side quests in a zone. When you're low level you can really enjoy the quests and the overland content. Once you're higher level those will be no challenge and actually so easy it's even boring(for me at least). After completing a whole zone plus the daily dungeons etc, I'm usually already above level 50.


In 2016 I went from 1-50 at Oldgate in Rivenspire lol...
The grind grind.


@7:58 my guy... I have seen probably near a hundred guides yet and only just found this out. You have legit changed the game for me going forward thank you!


This was the most useful guide. Simple and efficient!


In the introduction zone, there is an armory. Instead of sneaking past the construct, just kill it and then open the door it was beating on. Inside, there are multiple armor sets and weapons which will let you unlock the sets without risking stealing. I also figured out that examining bookcases will sometimes get you bonuses.


Finally, someone explains it simply. None of these beginner videos would explain for experience works in skill trees.


Thank you Xynode for all this information. I needed to hear all of this. Greatly appreciated!


Xy, where was this wonderful guide last year when I was a new player? I was throwing my controller against the wall out of frustration (which I still Anyway, excellent guide and tips👍
