This New Trend Has Women Rethinking 50/50 Relationships

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A new trend on Tiktok is highlighting differences between provider men and 50/50 men. Let's talk about it.

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Fact of the matter, no realtionship can be 50/50 100% of the time. Sometimes when your husband brings 40%, you have to bring 60%. When you can only bring 25%, he has to come with that 75%. Its a partnership! You work together to keep the ship moving.


First off, bills get paid first before anything else. The next thing is that testing a relationship is like wrecking a car to see if the airbag works.


Just doing this trend, and posting it on the internet, is grounds for relationship cancellation.


50/50 describes a Contractual partnership based on an exchange of goods and sevices.
100/100 describes a Covenentual marriage based on each giving all of oneself to the other.
The first tends to Divorce.
The second ends in Commitment.


Elephant in the room: Why are you videoing a private matter and posting it?


My husband is an art teacher on a humble salary to say the least, so him being a full provider in this economy simply isn't feasible...That said, I know for certain if I lost my job or couldn't pay so and so bills one month, he would absolutely have everything covered; Provider isn't always in the finances, it's in the mentality.


I think the difference is most American woman say they want to be independent but at the same time want to be taken care of


Unfortunately, as someone who grew up in a conservative culture, men being providers usually comes with them being the leaders, which means those women dont get a say. I've seen too many men use their provider role as an excuse to abuse. The wife is dependent, therefore her opinion or desires don't matter. I think there are plenty of modern couples who can recognize that the divided responsibilities are equal, and thus they treat each other as equals, but I could see how many women would seek 50/50 relationships as security so there's no power imbalance. Being a mother completely dependent on a man's money and whims is a terrifying concept to women who know how tempting some men find it to abuse that power.


I feel like the wives that know they don't pay the mortgage and "test" their husband are just trying to brag in front of the women that don't have that benefit 😂


Playing games instead of being upfront and honest is a big red flag.


Married for 56 years, and husband was the sole provider, but I was the money manager and have always taken care of the bills. He trusted me with most money decisions, and I have been diligent with that trust.


So, this woman tells her husband that she's prioritizing luxury spending over paying the rent and *he* is the one on the chopping block?! Is this the Twilight Zone?!


If you attempt a relationship test you’re the one who lost, no matter what the man does


With all these "relationship tests" on Tiktok, these kinds of people will have the nerve (and lack of self-awareness) to wonder why they are still single in 10 years.


Or, orrrr, we could just stop with all the childish games. If you feel the needs to constantly test your significant other, then the problem lies with you. And you probably weren't ment to be to start with.


If you feel the need to test your partner constantly, why are you even in a relationship?


Millennial here. A lot of these comments seem to be from older generations. My spouse and I WANT so desperately to be where he provides for us and I can stay at home wife. But the economy is not this way anymore, if you want a house. Both parties have to work at least one job to contribute to the bills. (Unless you marry someone who makes an absurd amount of money). So, i love these success stories of couples who have been married twenty years traditionally and it’s been great. But it breaks my heart that it’s a reality we can no longer return to.


My husband and I have both taken turns to support one another through school as well as both working full-time, depending on the season. Our mentality is that it's all "our" money and as long as we work together and support each other in life, we're succeeding. But that is just what works for us, everyone is different.


Society has fallen hard. Social Media has become a problem for everyday life and causes alot of divorces.


The thing that I like about 50/50 relationships is that I don’t like relying on people.
Call me paranoid, but one of my biggest fears is getting into a relationship with the perfect partner, and I give them access to my finances (whether that be my work income or their allowance), and then out of no where that perfect person turns into an abusive monster. I’ve read too many stories about that.

And because everything in this world is surrounded by money, to control my finances is to control me as a person.
If I ever get unlucky enough to find a person who ends up abusive, the idea of having money to get away is reassuring
