7 Best Vegetables You Can Plant in August for a Fall Garden - Plan Your Kitchen Garden NOW!

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0:00 Introduction
0:50 Beets
1:36 This applies to everyone
2:05 What are zones?
13:05 Best small carrot variety
14:40 Best small cucumber variety
16:17 My favorite leafy greens
20:05 Best variety of radishes to grow
25:04 Turnips
26:46 Compact or spreading zucchini
28:21 BONUS Number 1
29:51 How to Grow Vegetables from Scraps
31:30 BONUS Number 2




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#MarysNest #MaryBryantShrader #FallGarden

Рекомендации по теме

0:00 Introduction
0:50 Beets
1:36 This applies to everyone
2:05 What are zones?
13:05 Best small carrot variety
14:40 Best small cucumber variety
16:17 My favorite leafy greens
20:05 Best variety of radishes to grow
25:04 Turnips
26:46 Compact or spreading zucchini
28:21 BONUS Number 1
29:51 How to Grow Vegetables from Scraps
31:30 BONUS Number 2




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Thanks for watching!

Love and God Bless, Mary


YOUR BOOK CAME, YOUR BOOK CAME! I LOVE IT! I actually have it on my bed because I fell asleep reading it! 😂 You're a genius Mary! Can't believe it's your first book. I hope you are writing a second one soon! I hope that GOD blesses you and your family ❣️ Love, Yvonne


You have the prettiest, soothing .& professional speech & voice. You would make big bucks doing voiceovers!


I am in zone 6b and already have planted peas, lettuce, carrots and cabbage. A nice thing about fall gardening is less pests. This is my first fall garden and I’m really excited to harvest into October.


Mary the greenstalk planter is very good. It’s a family own business in Knoxville Tn. They also have a website with tons of information on how to grow things in a vertical garden.


I’ve been giving the Greenstalk some thought for next year as a means to extend the kitchen garden which is closest to the house. It’s been nice to go out and grab some lettuce or tomatoes or a cucumber or fresh herbs to add to a meal. The vertical growing option seems to be very effective for small space production. The YouTube channel, ‘Becoming A Farm Girl’, grows her entire garden in green stock containers. It’s amazing what she harvests from her space. Great ideas as always! Have a blessed day sweet friend!


Here in the uae we wait for Suhail, a star that dims during the hottest days of summer . And shines bright marking the start of the season . That happend two days ago


I discovered that full sun, in Texas, means partial sun also Mary. Haha! That's critical information. :)


Verticle Gardening in central Texas zone 8b
I have the leaf style green stalk I would in hind site get the deeper one. it holds a lot of soil the water does not hold in the top it drains down in minutes to other small drip pans at each level that keep enough water to get the soil damp but not hold for more than a minute, I fill the top pan 2 times in a row in the morning and that has been enough in this heat in partial shade to keep the thyme alive and I am hoping it will thrive when it cools a bit. I have done lettuce and bush beans in it this spring.
ALSO a bonus for you I have been making Wild Texas Persimmon fruit spread for years, this year I did syrup and it is Lovely! I use a food mill and usually compost the skins and seeds, This year I am using all of the skins and seed mess to make a vinegar to use for salad dressings and then compost the skins and seeds. This is a delicious mostly over looked fruit tree all over Texas and the more you harvest the fruits the bigger they seem to get the next year. The berries start to ripen around August and can sometimes still be going strong until October.
One More tip I dried some honey mesquite bean pods and I am going to grind those this weekend and add the flour / powder to my bread. I did see a recipe using the green pods to make jam, but I saw it too late to find green pods on the trees, next year. I like using a tree fruit that has mostly been called a poo-tree. since the birds and deer eat the fruit and poop the seeds to grow the trees in new places. They are native trees and should be encouraged to grow not just cut down as if the colored bird poop is a problem (wink)
GOD is so good and his creation is an amazing gift. Good Gardening and may you have a Blessed harvest.


I’m in 7b I’ve planted beans, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, beets, carrots Danvers half long, lettuce, radishes, onions, turnip greens and turnips and our late potatoes went in the garden in June along with late tomatoes and peppers. We do spring summer and fall gardens to maximize our yields. Have a blessed day


Just got your book. It is the best reference for traditional skills that I own. I know this book took a lot of work. Thanks so much for caring about us.


Hi Mary. I bought my granddaughters some tins of Kipper snacks. These girls love any kind of fish. They eat salmon from the pouch. They loved the kippers. They ate them cold from the tin. They are 8 and 11. Amazing!


Mary, you read my mind! Thank You for this video. I am not far from you, here in SA it is still very hot.
Do you have a video on diff types of greenhouse. It gets to be a pain in the winter to keep bringing in plants during the winter when it freezes. Thank You !


YES! The Greenstalk! Mine are in full afternoon sun in Central TX. An hour north of Austin. Started the on March and just today taking them down to start preparing for fall. I got a bumper crop of breakfast radishes, some beets, tiny tomatoes, several crops of arugula and tiny banana peppers. Mini zucchini, lemon cucumbers and moon squash were a failure. Beautiful foliage and flowers but despite the miniature "fruit" they still sought ground. I harvested one moon squash and by July it all withered. About 75% of the vertices watering system worked. Again, central TX, I had to water some pockets because it dried on the edges. I do plan to move them to a different area of the yard, however I need to set up a perfectly level area first. The Greenstalk MUST be perfectly level. My yard is heavily sloped. The only level spot receives afternoon full sun.


Hey Mary- Thanks for your info. Always helpful. I love my Greenstalk planters. I live in Central Texas as well. I helped set my sister, my grown children and grandchildren up with Greenstalks. We all grow different plants. Mine are filled with strawberry plants. When it's 103 day after day, I have to water about every 3 days. Mine are set up with the spinner base. I turn the planters 1/4 turn every time I water. They are great for growing greens, flowers and herbs. I wouldn't grow larger plants in them. Micro tomatoes and eight ball zucchini plants work well. Good luck with yours.


Oh my, I'm so excited... I received my book this morning, and it is the prettiest book I've seen. Love it. It will be a joy to read while staying in from the heat here in Louisiana . Thank you so much


Green stalks. They are made here in USA. I have 2 and I love them. If you watch, they do go on sale.


THE BOOK CAME! I got mine too! I love how lovely and well organized it is. Love the cooks notes! Fantastic job Mary! ✌🏻🙏🏼❤️


Beet greens and turnip greens can also be included in the greens category. From each plant you get 2 kinds of veggies: greens and roots. My family likes these greens even better than spinach.


I have a greenstalk and I LOVE IT! We live in Georgia and are full sun. Get a spinner so you can turn the planter if you have in partial sun. We ended up putting it on our patio where we have a deck above us to protect from the full sun. There's a channel called Growing in the Garden and she has sail's for shade. Thinking shade cloth or sail's for protection from full sun.
