Average Sparking zero player after Great Ape Vegeta : N_Tertainment
Average Sparking zero player after Great Ape Vegeta :
This is so essentially Frieza! His entire rotten personality shines in this one insult! Angyali
This is so essentially Frieza! His entire rotten personality shines in this one insult!
I feel the same way when I play Donkey Kong. PurpleJester
I feel the same way when I play Donkey Kong.
"Hey. No. Stop. Don't do it, just calm down." CapnShades
"Hey. No. Stop. Don't do it, just calm down."
When you play smash against Donkey Kong and he carries you off the stage: lobinroger
When you play smash against Donkey Kong and he carries you off the stage:
I'm gonna miss Chris Aryes very Rest in peace to emiranda
I'm gonna miss Chris Aryes very Rest in peace to
when Winston leaps into your back lines and solo alts you RunicRhino
when Winston leaps into your back lines and solo alts you
When frieza meets goku black but he’s actually black Foreman-pig
When frieza meets goku black but he’s actually black
Cod players when they ran out of insults to a black person dumb_spy_main
Cod players when they ran out of insults to a black person
Japan and Korea whenever a tourist is bothering them ineedit
Japan and Korea whenever a tourist is bothering them
Slavs when another slavic country spells words slightly differently judgejudysxdungeon
Slavs when another slavic country spells words slightly differently
“This lizard guy is based as hell” — 👴🏻 GojiBoiEarth
“This lizard guy is based as hell” — 👴🏻
How everyone feels after Sparking ZERO! mortalballgt
How everyone feels after Sparking ZERO!
Godzilla after taking a swing from Kong darkhound_inc
Godzilla after taking a swing from Kong
Someone needs to make a compilation of everytime he said monkey in kai and super😂 GlockyxVision
Someone needs to make a compilation of everytime he said monkey in kai and super😂
Me losing the 120th time to Great Ape Vegeta Lifeisrobloxwgx
Me losing the 120th time to Great Ape Vegeta
The racist Frieza always says that Saiyans are monkeys but forgets that he is a lizard uranium
The racist Frieza always says that Saiyans are monkeys but forgets that he is a lizard
You say this when you’re losing an argument I say this when I’m winning an argument We are not the same thevoidmagician
You say this when you’re losing an argument I say this when I’m winning an argument We are not the same
Frieza basically just dropped the equivalent of screaming a hard R n-word. julianuga
Frieza basically just dropped the equivalent of screaming a hard R n-word.
-proceeds to give him the biggest whipping he's ever done in his lifetime pothakinkin
-proceeds to give him the biggest whipping he's ever done in his lifetime