Cutting an old t-shirt into a cute tank top | Thrift Haul Try On

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This t-shirt was found at the Goodwill bin store and I thought it had potential so I took it home (for under a dollar!) and washed the heck out of it. Still the stain on the front remained so I decided to cut into it and show you how I like to turn my old tees into cute tank tops.

Thrifted outfits are the best way to start dressing creatively and fun for spring. It is so inexpensive to thrift your way to some new outfit inpiration. This thrift haul is focused on light and airy spring outfits and how to creatively pair these items in unique ways that will be fun and interesting.

Hi, my name is Diana. Style, lifestyle, mindset... these things are my jam. I also love thrift shopping and dressing creatively so if you're into that, please join me! Personally, I'm over 40 and headed for 50 and I want to hang out with my fine, mature ladies but I am also having a blast with everyone of every age who hangs out here. Style and fashion isn't about age, it's about fun, so let's just have lots and lots of fun.

Subscribe and join our tribe. I'd love nothing more than to hang out and talk about creating a more intentionally fun life. Life is too short to feel Blah!

insta: @unblahyourself

Styling the clothes you thrift is the most important step! You can buy some really interesting clothes but they won't ever be useful until you can pair and style them in the right ways. Thrift shopping is great but STYLING is where it's at! I know some people feel confused about how to style in creative ways, and no one can really teach you how to be creative, but you can watch others do it and feel more empowered to try new things yourself until you're also dressing more creatively.

Shopping at Goodwill is such an adventure. It really is a modern day treasure hunt. I love clothes and I love to be surprised. To me there's really nothing more fun. Clothes should add to your day and make you feel good.


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Lightly tug/stretch at the neckline to widen it and make it a little more of a tank top.

Before i cut my t's i will often practice the cut im going for on a shirt that was gonna be turned into rags or something so if i really screw it up trying to make it look like i intended its no big deal at all


I use pinking sheets to alter ill-fitted T-shirts similarly. Edges don’t fray.


I Don’t Blame Tank Top Cus I Respect When I Cut T Shirt Into Tank Top & Wear It IMAGINE THAT BAY BAY 🥰🤘🏽


Did you cut the neck part front and back at the same time?


The disrespect band tees get these days 😢


Is this satire? Uh mam how you gonna do a tutorial but be so lazy it looks exactly the same at the end as it did at the beginning
