The Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering Program at CMU-Africa

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he Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS ECE) is a 10-16 month program that covers a broad and diverse set of areas and permeates nearly all areas of application of importance in society today. ECE ranges from nanotechnology to large-scale systems and impacts areas such as communications, computing and networking, energy and cyber-physical systems, biotechnology, robotics, computer vision, information storage and security, data analytics, distributed systems, and privacy.

Faculty and students in ECE seek to advance education and technology in all areas of this field and are engaged in teaching and research that advances both the fundamentals of the field through advances in materials, devices, circuits, signal processing, control, computer architecture, and software systems as well as through the design, building, and demonstration of systems at all scales.

The MS ECE program is for students who are interested in creating technology solutions not only for today but for the future. Students are prepared to become engineering leaders through fundamental and hands-on courses in communication networks, machine learning, data analytics, robotics, energy systems, internet of things, and software engineering. There is also an Advanced Study Program for the MS ECE: MS-AD in ECE.

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