HOW I BREW TASTY COFFEE: My Espresso Obsession Observed

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Over the past 6 months or so, I have been making lots of data-based videos. A lot of this was in intentional preparation for this video wherein I showcase how I approach brewing a 9 bar shot. Yes, it is complicated. No, I am not recommending you do this. I simply wanted to demonstrate how one can be lead by science and data to evolve their own routine. Taste is the number one goal, but being able to make educated steps in the process is invaluable.

Quantitative Cafe-
Tampers: On the graph, you can clearly see the variance of puck compression to stabilize quickly after the second tamp.

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Ok. Seems I need to make yet another pinned comment due to many assumptions and inferences made in comments.

This is how I, me, Lance, approach an espresso. For me. My style. My taste preference with this profile.
It very obviously won't maintain 9 bar. On any machine. With this prep, it will force a declination of pressure. It's a way around forcing the grounds finely enough for maintenance of 9 bar over the shot.
This is why I made it ONLY after covering turbo shots, distribution, tamping, wdt, etc. The hope is people know and understand those so this makes sense. It is NOT a "beginners guide to espresso." That is not the title. This is how I make espresso with this very common profile, I.e. 9 bar.

So, if you're looking for beginner, I've made plenty tutorials.


This felt like a capstone presentation on home Espresso and it gets an A++ for ingenuity, referencing past work and brilliant editing 👏


How I learned to stop worrying and learned to love 15 sec shots. Thank you, Lance!


Editing 🔥
Content 🔥
Singing + dad jokes 🔥

To me coffee is super relational and your love for people comes through in these videos. Thanks for moving through ball forward and for making us all smile in the process


Love the series we went through, what a journey. I wish the Weber basket had a 54mm for the Bambino. Nice work!


I asked a Glitch Tokyo barista how they pull shots and this is very close to what they said. 20 g dose, 1:2 ratio, 18-20 s. I was surprised how fast they were pulling shots. But boy were they the tastiest espresso drinks I’ve had. Thank you, Lance, for kinda explaining how and why this method works.


Man, it is so cool to see people just pure enthusiastic about the stuff they do. Thanks for the vid, I am a beginner but I can't wait to get to at least a similar level of proficiency in espresso making!


Good video, thanks. FYI - I recently (by accident?) switched to 2xWDT, using the 8-needle WDT tool. First I do WDT inside the cup which contains the ground coffee from the grinder. Then I pour the distributed coffee grounds into VST portafilter double-shot basket (via funnel). Then I repeat the full WDT inside the portafilter basket. Finally, I level the coffee and tamp. I don't use the filter paper (tried it, did not like the in-cup taste, no body, too thin for me). I have not tried using puck screen (yet). I dont have the shaker, too expensive. Likewise I dont have $200 basket, too expensive. I just use the cheap 8-needles WDT tool, twice over. Visually with 2xWDT I see consistently less channelling and the taste inside the espresso cup is as good as I have ever achieved to date. Just sharing my experience. Love your work.


Editing here is great, especially in the first part with the calm music and purposeful pacing.


Bro just pulled a 15 second shot.. my head is going to explode 🤯


Thank you. It is interesting to watch your process. I am amazed how much variation in shot time can produce wonderfully complex espresso. I just had some new beans, and the Grind was "too fine" with a 45 sec shot(20 in 40 out). The shot tasted great. So many options, variable results, so much fun.


Lance and James changed my life for good. My home espresso now tastes better than 99% os the stuff I've had out. And my total budget is within 250 USD. ( machine, grinder and all ).


I appreciate you recommending the flat 9 bar profile to make this relevant for the largest number of people. For those that have the option, would recommend some kind of preinfusion?


The densification conversation in the prev video set the wheels spinning. Pulling a shot with three different larger grind sizes mixed together evenly and getting the same flow rate and pressure as a normal grind size would be interesting. Wonder if it would do something similar for the taste as the 30g plus Aeropress recipes that were used for competition.

Thanks for sharing the secrets!


19g in, 45 out in … 15 seconds! Oh my god, this video couldn't be more important today. I pulled a 17g in, 42g out in 14 seconds doing slow-feeding into my Eureka and using the IMS NT basket. It was sweet and juicy, but FOURTEEN seconds?


Hi Lance, great video! Do you change something in your routine if you're making shots for milk drinks, e.g. shorter ratio, different grind setting?


Love all your content man! You do really enjoyable videos. I watch all of them all the way through because of the incredible information and its alway entertaining! I'm sure its a ton of work but I truly appreciate your efforts! Thank you sir!


Lance, when using the Canal Hummingbird portafilter with a Decent machine, just unscrew the base, flip it, then screw it back in. Voila, the “hump” is now on the bottom giving you the clearance you need. This fix also works for the Flair.


Lance you are a true hero! Love your approach and your attitude! Great combination of science, art and lovely craziness! Thank you so much for these videos! And yeah, — I have definitely made better espresso after watching your content...


Mr HEDRICK you naughty man . That shakes shakeup shake just absolutely blew my freaking mind. Had nothing to hand but a comandante catch flask so tried it anyway . Shook for about 7 seconds and WOAH honey I shrunk the coffee. Where did it all go it like honestly densified itself .
Slammed it in the VST and a tiny wdt and then tamped . And then tamped 👍 . And blimey fella you weren’t wrong it came out like a turbo shot 38g in 22s but omg the crema went bonkers and it was a really tasty shot also .
I’m impressed
Might move hose to the other side of the volcano now ❤
