How to Tie a DOUBLE UNI KNOT! | 'Knot Easy!' Series | Fishing Knot Tutorial

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Simply put, the double uni knot is one of the strongest knots ever created for terminal tackle or lures. If it's not important in your situation to have a low knot profile, and you just need a knot that simply WILL NOT BREAK OR SLIP, the double uni knot is an excellent choice. This knot is fantastic for all line types, but is especially effective for braided line of any size. If you're using the knot for heavy monofilament or fluorocarbon, it's important to make sure you thoroughly lubricate the knot prior to cinching, in order to ensure the knot is as tight and strong as possible.

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00:00 Intro
00:19 Tying a Double Uni Knot
03:15 4K Slow Motion
06:02 Outro

Title: How to Tie a DOUBLE UNI KNOT! | "Knot Easy!" Series [4K/Slow Motion]
#fishing #outdoors #fishingknot #fishingknots
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What a fantastic knot. Thanks for teaching this!


The only true 100% breaking knot...only knot I ever tie


This has been the most helpful demo of this knot I've watched yet, thank you!


Irrespective of the semantic(s) issue, a great video explaining the tying of this important angling knot…good job, and tyvm for it, Jake…. 👌🏼


The uni knot is what I use for swivels and hooks; sometimes I like to use the snail knot for my 1/0 circle hook when I’m jigging with a slip bobber;
I will definitely use the double uni knot for my swivels from now on.
I really like the snail knot also! I usually use 10 wraps on it. It’s not only strong, but it also holds the hook in a good position, especially when using a live night crawler, and I’ve lost less hooks using this as well!


New Sub'r! The way you get at it and no B.S. get to showing this with extended slow play is perfect. Thank you for sharing these knot tying vids!


You're a life saver, I just bought a Swimbait underground DRT Klash 9 and needed to learn this knot at some point because I would hate to lose a $140 glidebait, most channels are way too fast or not detailed enough when it comes to the fine details.


thanks for showing it and explaining it well i finaly got it after 4 vids


I have tied the Uni Knot for over 40 years saw someone test this knot on another channel with 65 lb. Mono he had heavy leather gloves couldn’t break it almost cut thru his gloves.I have been using it since for anything over 8 lb test. The Double Pitzen knot is equally as strong.


thanks man, great great video i got it the first time,


How about testing the knot with a scale and make some sort of device to test strength. I love seeing facts not just opinions, nice video and well explained 👍


Damn I need 4 hands to tie that haha got it with some help from my wife lol


Once upon a time I had a spool of 30 denier silk (1 mile weighed less than a nickel). I was wondering if it might be suitable for ultralight fishing line. Well, I found it to be unbreakable. Sort of. It was so slippery I couldn’t tie any sort of knot in it that wouldn’t just slide apart under tension! So much for that experiment.


This is a great knot. Difficult to tie with light lines (at least for me it is). I tie the knot that Shaw Grigsby uses which is very similar with 3 tag ends. 6


Great knot but I will use the palomar as it is a lot easier to use and I’ve never lost a fish with it..


Looks like a harder-to-tie version of the double pitzen. In the end, the knot is vitually identical but this one has more wraps (5-6 vs 3 wraps with double pitzen). I have to admit that after watching your double pitzen tying video and this one, I won't be using this one on the boat all day. Instead of having 6 rods with 6 setups, I usually just use my favorite rod and tie different lures, hooks, etc. on that one multiple times throughout the day. This knot takes quite a bit of separate manipulation steps with your fingers, seems like. (Liked and subscribed to your channel, regardless)


Dude that was Sic...did it 2nd try...omg and i suck at knots


You need to make a separate on cutting the lines. I keep cutting the wrong three lines. hahahahaahah. Keep kicking ass with them knots


This is my favorite Saltwater knot to date. 50lb braid using an Improved uni knot to 500 lb leader to a 16 ounce 10" Jig for them big ole LINGCOD. I've tried to break this knot and can't do it.


I use plyers to pull the knot all the way down. Otherwise it wont bunch up all the way with a lot of mono lines.
