Angular Tutorial - Create a Realtime Chat Application with Firebase

Показать описание
Create a real time chat application using #Angular, #Firebase while using tools such as #Nx within a monorepository.

0:00 - Intro
0:10 - Firebase / Gumroad
0:46 - Client App / App Feature
1:03 - Models
2:01 - Firebase Configuration
3:51 - Firebase Collections Seed Data
4:12 - Chatroom Services
7:32 - Chatroom Components
12:25 - Serve Chatroom Application
13:00 - Summary

Domain Generator Commands
nx workspace-generator client-app --domain abc --name members
nx workspace-generator app-feature --name members --domain abc

Model Generator Commands
nx workspace-generator common-model --name member --domain abc --inputs "id,firstName,lastName,username"
nx workspace-generator common-model --name chatRoom --domain abc --inputs "id,name,dateCreated,lastMessage"
nx workspace-generator common-model --name messages --domain abc --inputs "id,message, dateCreated,user"

Service Generator Commands
npx nx g @nrwl/angular:services services/chatRoom --project abc-ui-data-access
npx nx g @nrwl/angular:services services/messages --project abc-ui-data-access
npx nx g @nrwl/angular:services services/members --project abc-ui-data-access

Component Generator Commands
npx nx g @nrwl/angular:component chatRoomList --project abc-ui-members-feature
npx nx g @nrwl/angular:component chatRoom --project abc-ui-members-feature

#Nrwl #Nx #monorepo #angular #nx #fullstackdevelopment #firebase #WebDevelopment #googlecloud
Рекомендации по теме

My next video will be around creating an #Angular Material Form File Upload component and storing the file in #Firebase.


Great video, the music is too loud and unnecessary in my opinion


Thank you! Would you be open to allowing access to the source code from this demo via a public github repository? Thanks for the content!
