UNBELIVABLE! Walk-In Comes From The Stars, Takes Over a Human Body To Share A Crucial Message!

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In this episode, we meet Aurelia Aria, a galactic walk-in with a profound mission to guide humanity into the New Earth. Aurelia shares her extraordinary journey of transitioning into her physical body in 2020, a process marked by pre-birth agreements, soul contracts, and integration challenges. She discusses the importance of healing trauma, embodying angelic consciousness, and activating spiritual gifts to contribute to global harmony. With vivid insights into the crystalline realms and cosmic timelines, Aurelia offers a unique perspective on the shifts occurring on Earth. Her message emphasizes empowerment, leadership, and the significance of reconnecting with our true selves. Through her light codes, channeling, and sound healing, Aurelia inspires us to embrace our divine potential and envision a brighter, more balanced future.

00:00 Teaser
01:08 Introduction
04:40 Preparing for the transition
12:54 Navigating skepticism
15:13 Memories post-transition
17:18 Family and friends’ reactions
19:30 Understanding the galactic realm
23:09 Why the transition happened
25:49 Relearning basic human functions
29:51 Leadership in the New Earth
33:36 Predictions for humanity’s future
35:45 Tapping into spiritual powers
38:34 Rise of walk-ins
40:35 Impact of inherited belief systems
42:06 Message for humanity
44:19 Experiencing separation and connection


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Jannecke Øinæs


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💙 Music: Wisdom From North Theme Song by Jannecke Øinæs and Ragnhild Barra Wisløff.
Music : Epidemic Sound


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#wisdomfromnorth #spirituality #podcast

The views and opinions expressed by the guests on this show are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Wisdom From North or Jannecke Øinæs. Our platform serves as a space for open exploration and dialogue on spiritual and personal growth topics.
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Aurelia has been my beautiful soul friend for many ages, and I was able to connect with her soon after her walk in. I adore her beautiful soul. She has so many gifts and bringing so much love, healing and light to this world. 💕🦋🧜‍♀️✨💗


I was a walk in August 1996. Post life saving surgery I went to see a spiritual healer and experienced myself merging with a female who had my face - she literally walked into me. I recovered my health in great speed, lost my memories and had to leave my husband so I no longer felt connected to him.People would stop me in the street to ask how did I get do young. New life begun


I’m a walk-in too at the age of 5. It’s cool you remember pre-born. Thank you for sharing ❤ Helped me better understand myself even more.


You have to have Aurelia share her music and light language. It is powerful and other worldly! Absolutely a profound gift.


*** PLEAD READ ***
Aurelia was my best friend of 10 years, but in august became very abusive towards me. I am speaking as victim of her abuse.

Now I am building a new channel to speak up about my experience, and show the proof of the abuse. (which soon on that account I will link below on here.)

She is not who she says she is, this is all pretence, even the wig. She is amazing at having everyone fooled but that’s not even her real hair.

Aurelia honestly used to be a nice person, until the she told me her old soul killed her off for the new soul to come fully in… this is when she started calling herself an ascended master - also whilst belittling me, when I had been nothing but be her friend all these years and never judged her once. In august this year is when the abuse started.

It is so triggering to see the pretence in her niceness in these videos.

Trust your intuition with her vibe.


I've watched many of your shows. Not to toot my own horn I can say I do know that I am an old soul who has had his share of incarnations on this, so called, 3D physical earth school realm. That said, my perspective of this particular show is that it is stellar, and to me one of the best and among the most informative so far. Good work, and thank you.


Walk-ins are more prevalent than we are aware of. A QHHT client had a feeling she was- had no childhood memories- and her session confirmed it some souls who are reluctant to co r here have built-in 'outs' where they have the opportunity to leave! Amazing!


Blessings and healing to this precious girl. May she remain strong and be lifted and protected in her work.


Jannecke, you are a light! Your smile and laughter open others to become their own brightest light!


There is a sign on the window of our barber shop that says, Walk In's Welcome!


I am a lightworker with very little confidence. I had a traumatic childhood with a narcissist mother. I am sixty and have wanted to go home for years. When suicide comes to mind I know it is me needing to create a better me and experience. I appreciate your Guest and her message. Thank you for having this channel. When I first woke up there was no Internet to educate me


Bless the amazing Soul fragments that come in to help make a shift out of the old dead paradigm. They go through so much challenge with those resistance to the change.


What a sinchronicity the way you two dressed in black and in does feel like talking from another dimensions, from a different


The radio shows of yesterday are over . This is the transmission of a healing earth. Love and Light . Keep doing what you're doing and being who your being ;) "we are the ones we've been waiting for"


I had the lived experience of one consciousness leaving and another coming into this same body back in 2000. I have vivid memories of the process. It's wonderful that more walk ins are speaking out. I remember thinking people would think they knew me, because I looked the same, but they wouldn't because it was a new soul) consciousness inside of me. Overtime the new consciousness has merged with the body's memories becoming integrated.


I always find walk-in stories so fascinating. Would love to see you bring on Sheila Seppi. So many interesting facets to these kinds of experiences.


Dear leader, there is a book called Lopsag Rampa about transmigration into another body from a young man and the continuation of life in that new body, the reason for that Lama to complete his mission, he was fully aware of that conscious entry because the young man was dying of a heart attack, a lama from Tibet found himself in England and continued the life of that young man. I read that thirty years ago.🙏


Peoples minds are skeptical and mine too. First thought came to me when she said previous soul was in mental hospital that she created herself another persona who took over, so it was like coping mechanism to release the trauma and let go of suffering. But I like that new persona, she is beautiful and interesting.


I also remember having to learn quickly how to function in this world - to drive, to use a phone, to live like a human.


I don't remember the moments before my entrance. Although I'm coming to realize that I was entered through a parallel dimension split. I do remember the other life I took the place of. He passed at 4 yrs of life. And there were many changes from the other dimensional life. My mother ( whom passed 2016.) was amazed at my accuracy of the beginning of my life ( as a baby ).
Ty, ❤️✌️😊👍🌹
