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Not clickbait, the real best Druid build for Pushing. It smashes nightmares, here's all the aspects, skills and paragon board you need
The other Goblins:

#Diablo #Diablo4 #DiabloGuide #Druid #Guide #Build #Tierlist #AceofSpades #Crone #TempestRoar #t100nightmare
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I made 200 millions yesterday carrying players on stream! I did t100 duoing with Man, a viewer that decided to try the build. I think together we have the world record for fastest t100 at 5 min something, only 1 Death. Likely most of the t100 clears are just us at this point. Make sure you get the Shapeshifter glyph on your 3rd board asap. It has been a game changer to have 20% more crit. And follow the correct order for Paragon listed on the site. Next build to min max Trample Slide or Hunter's Zenith?


Thanks! Incredibly solid build. I was frankly getting a bit bored with the me smash pulverize build. This one is heaps better and suits my tempo. Having gotten my Crone Staff just today, I decided to scramble up a semi-optimal version of your build from some stash leftovers, and I already managed to clear a NM 41 (mobs lvl 94) on my level 70 druid, without deaths, and felt like I could push higher. Survived a few railgun hits as well. Earthen Bulwark explosion hits went as high as 700k+ and all the elites died inside 1-3 explosions.

Edit: Update: Druid is now 76, and the build--while mine still isn't fully optimized--is still going strong. I'm now clearing NM 64's (mobs lvl 118), with the elites still dying inside 1-3 explosions. The only downside is that my fingers are slowly dying from all this clicking (claw on left click and bulwark on right) because I seem to find myself spamming both constantly. Still having fun, though!


Tip. You can use the shared stash to have an alt Sorc reroll your totem to Barrier Generation, aswell as other stats like Increased Lucky Hit while Barriered


Amazingly well done.
Honestly more builds (especially for Druid and their bugged drop table, but all classes would benefit) should be listed with both a version with and without Uniques if possible.
Thus allowing people of all luck to be able to enjoy the build.
Of course with the Uniques it will improve, but with the non-Unique build to use in the mean time, the player will have something to look forward to when they have a chance to upgrade.


I was a pulverize druid and switched to shred build to test it out, gotta say that investing all my gold in trying this build payed off. Struggling with higher NM dungeons with shred but once I switched to this im doing 50+ NM easily and without breaking a sweat, the uptime on bulwark with nature's fury is 100% and I even feel that I need to slow the pace down. This is definitely a must if you want to change the usual pulverize build or even tornado. On a side note, first run at a 47 NM went smoothly and I even got TR to drop (im level 87)...so big props to you Goblin, amazing work and sinergy with this build.


Thank you for this. For some reason i thought this build required a ton of the uniques. I just happened to have the crone staff. Went from barely clearing low tier dungeons to cruising through mid tiers because i had all the aspects in the bank.


For those confused about the barrier bonus damage increase, you can find the stat this bonus is tied to under your character's stats page > Defensive > Barrier Bonus. Thus, if you're wondering whether x-item/stat directly impacts the damage increase clause from the Innate Earthen Bulwark talent, you can equip and verify here. Judging by Ace's findings and the description of both the talent and the barrier bonus stat itself - the bonus damage is only affected by +Barrier Generation stat.

Thank you for all your work on this AceofSpades!


I have been from pulve build, to shred build, to this build and I must say that this build is the most I have enjoyed. For the sole reason of its tankiness and ability to clear high tier nightmare dungeons. I have been struggling with clearing T47 with the previous 2 builds, but after I changed my build to this, I was able to clear T60 overnight. I honestly haven't gotten a lot of the proper stats for this but I have all the aspects and that's what made it possible. Thank you for sharing your build!


Thanks Ace! Been loving the build, only have Crone but hopefully I find a Tempest Roar soon so I have the option between this and storm wolf. Definitely brought me joy again playing a druid as I was getting tired of the other builds praying for TR


Ive used your build this past week (never got the tempest roar at 95 now) and ive been doing 70s

So many builds ppl share theyre doing normal dungeons or lvl30 nm crap

This is a real endgame build!

Pro tip is to use a controller and you can literally hold down two buttons (claw and bulwark) and can just tap your cool downs and its ezpz


I'm glad druid endgame is not entirely Grizzly rage timer dependent, but lucky hit dependent feels pretty bad too. I've been running this build for 4 days at 100, only feels good in high keys, really wish I could swap to a second spec for other content.


For those who like to stick to keyboard + mouse: Try putting move on "W" (or whatever key you prefer) and you can spam abilities while moving without losing the "aiming" upsides of the mouse (which makes switching to trampleslide or other classes not as painful). Since I mainly played WoW before, the movement with just W and mouse was easy to adapt to, might be harder if you haven't


Best druid guide ever. Awnsers all the questions I had!


Thanks for this build. I have all the Druid uniques (minus the Gibbous) but Shred and Nado builds we’re just boring. This is amazing.


thx to your guide.your build is amazing. i I finished some tier100 solo dungeons with bulwark and uploaded the recorded video. i noticed Damage Reduction while Injured affix few days ago. i mix the "Damage Reduction while Injured affix" with BULWARK build after watch your guide video. now my druid can tank the tier100 dungeons monsters🥰


Impressive editing for a small channel, appreciate the efforts!! Btw, you should have displayed some solo clear, not in party


Hey I just wanna say thank you for including non-unique versions. I just best the Tier4 Capstone dungeon solo at level 57 with this build!


Not a long video but jam-packed with amazing information. For those "looking for the Crone/Tempest" variants skip to 6:45

Or just watch the entire video and save it to view later and share with others who want to learn more about this stuff.

I'm not touching Pulverize, I ran trample-slider, and werenado, and now durdling on Crone-nonCore AA build.

I'm putting together this build from your video. Thank you for sharing!


I just wanted to correct the statement about the Crone Staff resets:
Hitting air, when testing the resets will result in ~4.8 average hits to get a Natures Fury Proc, since the Stormstrike doesn't trigger
Hitting enemies (this is actually when the Stormstrike Triggers, indicator is the Damage Reduction Buff you get) averaged in my Testing ~ 2.45 Hits for a Natures Fury Proc and thus Bulwark Reset.
So it almost doubles your procs and thus increases your output (gotta subtract the missing 2 Aspects tho for the total dmg increase)


Thanks Ace. Been using this build since v1 and it’s been a blast 😅 pushing nightmare dungeons. I’m level 83 now and using the 1h version. Been playing around with swapping out cyclone armor with rabies and using aspect of natures savagery. Makes both blood howl and rabies another way of resetting EB. Plus rabies is a nice and reliable way to apply and quickly spread poison.
