Rear Window - Hitchcock's Manipulation

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In this video essay, we break down Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece Rear Window. Over his career, Alfred Hitchcock has implemented hundreds of different techniques to control the audience to have them believe one thing. He is a master of manipulation, and in this video I explore how he is able to control the audience into believing one thing to add suspense. In addition, I explore some of the thematic aspects to the film, and look at why Rear Window is heralded as the masterpiece that it is.

Rear Window. Hitchcock. Paramount Pictures, 1954.
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That’s right, he played us like a piano because we have to write a bloody essay for his movie


Anyone else kinda noticed how in the main windows, that are focused on each person serves life, that he can't or does not want to have. The new couple just got married and moved in together which is something he mentioned he didn't want with Lisa. The ballerina who was able to dance and really emphasizes on moving her feet, his legs are broken so he could not. The lonely girl who set up a whole date for herself, while Jeff never really did anything for himself, didn't even sleep in his bed. And the piano guy who was very much a perfectionist, Jeff was never interested in how perfect Lisa was (like the video stated). Idk this is probably a stretch but I think its funny that his amusement and days are taken by only watching lives that he does not have.


We KNOW there was a murder, becuz it's a Hitchcock film


How about this? The windows on the right are where he fears he may end up. Unhappily married (murderer), or lonely single (Miss Lomelyhearts). On the left are where he hopes to end up. Happily married (newlyweds) or happily single (pianist). And in the middle (Miss Torso) is where he is now, toying with affection.


This film is curiously satisfying and complete. Hitchcock explores the dynamic of male female relationships and plays it for laughs with witty dialogue and little vignettes through windows and gaps in walls. We get perspectives on Thorwald and Jeffries by seeing how Jeffries personal prejudices allow him to identify when something doesn’t fit the norm. Genius. He takes us on a journey exploring a cultural dissonance that gives Thorwald away. The set is a fantastic mock up which you can see needed pretty heavy lighting to get naturalistic effects on the early colour stock. Hitchcock distorts reality by adding foley effects and only allowing words to be heard when necessary. Binoculars and an Exacta give us close ups so that we can read faces or examine distant details that create the mystery. I found this film a million times more entertaining on the big screen because the acting and actions are easier to see. I don’t think anyone has tried this style of film making since. I guess much would be done now using computers and clever composites and sadly, probably with less power, visually. Hitchcock pulls off a wonderful trick in creating a world within a world. Rear Window has a lot of great humour, warmth and a murder mystery and is a compelling watch.


When I watch Psycho, I feel constantly manipulated. Hitchcock tells the story in such a way that allegiance to the characters changes several times. When the car begins to sink into the swamp, it stops, but I am rooting for Norman and want the car to sink. When it does, I am relieved and glad for Norman - I was manipulated.


Now in the age of air conditioners this film could never be made


To those who didn’t feel suspense... this is the best kind of suspense. It was the perfect amount at the perfect time. Like a really good glass of fancy scotch rather than a fifth of jack.


I allways loved this movie, I agree with your points. For some reason I was also allways so in love with the sound in "Rear Window". It really adds to making the place feel real.


A key aspect of the film is the relationship between Jeff and Lisa which is juxtaposed using the neighbors' lives.


I just watched Rear window and it was a fucking great film..


This movie is a masterpiece, i enjoyed a lot. And the scene when Thorwald walks up stairs and reach at Jeffrei’s appartment was breath-taking 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


James Stewart made a likeable star, Grace Kelly was the perfect female lead and Raymond Burr made a menacing killer.


For me it's the atmosphere. You have these different buildings that you would like to live it and then no film music instead you have the sounds from all the apartments like the wonderful piano music, the sounds from the party and the open windows and even the wonderful yard. You can even see the street outside through the alley Then you have his own apartment that is really cosy and when she comes with dinner and she is wearing beautiful dresses you wish this was you. We have a word in my country "Hygge" that is special for our country and something we really enjoy and the closest translation is feeling cosy. I will watch it often just to enjoy that feeling. The newer movie totally lack this feeling you get from the old version.


I find it so satisfying that all of Hitchcocks films feel so original and new but yet Everytime you are watching it you can tell it is a htchcock film just because it has that feel. I love that about his movies.


There is this kind of remake/reinterpretation of the Hitchcock classic, called "Disturbia" staring Shia LaBeouf. I don't want to talk about how it compares to "Rear Window" (or whether it is a good movie on its own or not) but on a very minuscule detail that really pi**ed me off .

In Germany there is this very bad habit of taking the original title of an Hollywood movie and supplement it with a German subtitle for promotion (because obviously audiences are so stupid that they would not understand what an upcoming movie is going to be about without getting it stuffed into their faces).

For "Disturbia", some GENIUS choose the German title "Distubia - Auch Killer haben Nachbarn" (which translates to something like "Disturbia - even killers have neighbors"), so they choose to SPOILER in the movie title. I mean how dumb can you be to ruin any suspense a thriller might have like this?


We watched this in a Creative Writing class. By far one of the best movies ever made.


The film never left jeffries’ room which is just ... how?


Mr. Hitchcock was a very creative director, producer and writer . I think he was so good at his craft because prior to actually working on films he worked the background of movies . He created sets for movies and knew every aspect from sound to what actors, music, camera angles and even wardrobe . He would notice the finest details in the production . But his ability to see the story line from multiple perspectives is really how he captured the audiences attention !


I really enjoyed this! I am working on a video essay on REAR WINDOW, as well, but only on a specific clip. I loved the connection between the Hitchcock's piano quote and the image of the character playing the piano, it's really great!
