Kylie Jenner | What's On The Star? Fashion Secrets with Style By Kim Xo

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Kylie Jenner | What’s on The Star? Fashion Secrets!
Style tips by Kim Appelt!

Kylie Jenner, a media socialite, model and ultimate business woman. Since her debut on her family's reality television show “Keeping up with Kardashians” Kylie has paved her own fame and fortune separate from her family. From her multiple business, creative collaboration and public appearances, Kylie has become massively influential amongst young people and even more by the fashion industry.
Kylie has a knack for making everything casual look cool, today I’m going to be showing you a few of her latest looks and where to get them.

#kyliejenner #kyliejennerstyle #kyliejennerfashion #kimxo

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I love the idea of this series! xx Megan Fox next?


I will like to see an inverted triangle shape famous


I would love to see any guy/male who is an influencer.


Did you really mean $295k for a handbag? Xoxo


Am I reading this right: over $200, 000 for a handbag? You can still buy a small condo for that in some places.


I think the whole family lacks style and asthetics in general, as a result of the lack of education and culture (propably). I believe they are very good in bussiness though and quite smart! If I had a daugter I think I would not like to see her dress like Kylie or try look like on the other hand are very good because I wached the whole


Love the series, but not really impressed by the style in this case. Wearing an expensive bag with a sports outfit does not really make something fashionable in my opinion. Also that knitted outfit, should really just stay at home... She does however have a body which makes pretty much everything look good on her though. She could be wearing a binbag and still look good (not fashionable though).
Would like to see Emma Stone or Rihanna!
