WALKING around London: What's the BLACKHEATH Village? ROYAL Borough of Greenwich. CLOCKED 17k STEPS!

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#walk in #blackheath #London #blackheathvillage
with #fastfacts. Bordering #royal borough of #Greenwich
#placesofinterest include but not limited to:
#greenwich park

I absolutely LOVE #walking I see it as the best form of exercise, and it's FREE!

My channel captures not only me increasing my steps but also allows you to accompany me on my journey to hidden gems/ places of interest.

Walking is effortless and is a #FREE form of #exercise ! It helps to clear your mind whist keeping you #fit !

My trusted #fitbit is always worn so that I can track my stepping progress. On a daily basis I always aim to do a MINIMUM of 10,000 steps. You will see that I often exceed that.

My weekly video captures a day in the life of Queen P on my WALK 'n' TALK journey, visting #placesofinterest.

Do accompany me on my weekly journeys, which I also aim to
aspire to inspire with motivational words, which aims to promote #selflove, #selfinvestment and self love aligned to ones #bodymindandsoul

I have a great obsession with sportswear, ESPECIALLY TRAINERS so in every video you will see me profiling my footwear.

Please do join me!

I have an #instagram account aligned to this #youtubechannel, please continue me with on my #motivational journey as per #dailymotivationalquotes as per my #insta link below:

If you like my channel, please do #LIKE #COMMENT and #SUBSCRIBE

My youtube link:

I value your support. I hope my channel provides you with insights into places of interest and the value of selfcare, whilst INCREASING YOUR STEPS xxx

Active wear:
#Puma - black leggings

Tracker: #FitbitVersa
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Nice tour of Blackheath. Hoping to be down there for outdoors this summer!
